Kal and The Queen

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Finnula woke in the early hours of the morning. She could see a soft line of light creeping around the big curtains of her suite windows, and wished heartily that the sun would pause, that time would pause, so she could hold the warm lovely body in her arms just that much longer.

She felt soft pressure at her breast. When she looked down, she saw Kal was nursing in her sleep. Finnula made a soft gasp of happy discovery. She loved this. How beautiful the sight of her was. She couldn't stop looking at her.

Kal comfort nursed until she woke, and even then she didn't let go of Finnula. She looked up, asking with her eyes if she should keep going.

"Don't stop," Finnula whispered. "Keep going."

Kal's eyelids fluttered closed, and she settled into a rhythmic suckling. It was so comforting. She didn't want to be anywhere else in the world but here. She was the safest she could ever be.

She barely thought at all about the night before and her meeting with the lady's maid. She was definitely a bully, but she was far from Kal's thoughts. Kal's thoughts were full of soft things, gentle sounds, and safety.

Finnula couldn't help but feel her body light on fire at the feeling of Kal's soft nursing and the way she worked her free nipple with her fingertips. She loved the way Kal made her feel. She did not want to ruin the softness of the moment and cut into Kal's comfort time with her own pleasure, but she couldn't deny the heat growing in her sex.

Kal moaned into Finnula's breast, and after a moment, she switched breasts and took her own sweet time suckling here. She tugged on the nipple, and when that made the Queen gasp, Kal made a warm chuckle and wrap her arms around the Queen's body. She nuzzled those breasts, and held her tightly. "Finnula," she said.

"What is it, love?"

"I'll love you as long as you want me to."

Finnula tilted her chin up and smiled at her. "You bring me alive, my little thief. I will never let you go."

"You had better not." Kal smiled, her lower lip wobbling a bit.

"Darling Kal," the Queen said tenderly, "I do not intend to. I will give you everything your heart could ever desire."

"I've already got it," Kal said. "I feel the safest I could ever be when I'm in your arms."

"Then I shan't let you go. Not until you wish to get up."

"Can...can I keep nursing?"

"Of course you can, Kal. I plan on nursing you frequently. You need it, I can see."

The determination in the Queen's voice made Kal smile and blush. "It always makes me...well...it always wakes my desire for you."

"It does the same for me. I am slick with want for you. But come, nurse. You are not to stop until I let you."

Kal smiled. "Really?"

"Not a moment before. My word is your law. Yes?"

Kal latched onto her breast and began suckling hard, nursing like she couldn't get enough. She desperately wanted this comfort and pleasure. She refused to stop. She wanted to see how long the Queen would keep her at her breast, and wanted to see if she could insist on staying even longer.

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