Chapter Two

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When Bella got home she thought her mom was asleep as all the lights in her house were off. She did a lil dance as she was going through the door as she was an hour late and normally her mom is waiting for her. There was a glass of red wine on the kitchen side that caught her eye, her mom never drinks. Bella tip toed up the stairs trying to make as less noise as possible.

When she entered her room both of her parents were sat on her bed making her freeze at the sight of them.

"what time do you call this." her dad questioned looking at his wrist watch. "Dad something horrible happened i swear i didn't mean to be late."

"it doesn't matter if you didn't mean to mija, your becoming out of control."

"So thats why you got dad here." she turned to her dad. "you seriously came rushing down here about a few parties when you can't even turn up on my birthday?" she raised her brows.

"We are worried about you Arabella." She scoffed at his comment.

"can you guys just get out my room I've had a really shitty night and i just want to go sleep." Her mom stood up but her dad stayed sat there.

"What did i tell you mija." He looked at her.
"i dont know what did you tell me" she took off her jacket. "you listen to your mothers rules when i'm not here, she says back home no later than 1 thats when your home for!" He practically screamed in her face causing tears to well up in her eyes.

"just GET OUT!" She shrieked in his face before dragging him off the bed. "OUT, OUT, OUT!"

After Bellas parents left her room she broke down, Her dad was never home and he thinks he can just come back telling her what to do after missing her sweet 16th. She had pure hatred for him at this moment, it was probably the alcohol getting to her head but she just wanted to smash everything in the house. She was punching her pillows frantically screaming into them whilst kicking her feet like a child but after a while she became exhausted slowly drifting off to sleep.

Bella woke up to the sound of someone knocking on her bedroom. "Bella are you awake" Her dad called from the other side of the door.

"Well i am now." she groaned. "good because you need to be ready in 15." just as she was about to answer she heard his footsteps going away from the room. She rolled her eyes looking at her phone for any messages.


Sarah: Bella are you awakeeee
Sarah: I swear to god if you don't wake up
Sarah: HELLOOOO midsummers shopping!!!!

            Me: Sorry i've literally just opened my eyes


She stood up going to her bathroom brushing her teeth, washing her face and applying some mascara. She could not be bothered to go shopping especially not with her dad after last night but at least Sarah will be there. Bella quickly chucked on some sweatpants and a hoodie before walking out her room.

"We're meeting the Camerons at the plaza restaurant for some lunch before we go shopping." Her dad grabbed his keys from the fruit bowl, she just nodded her head in return following him to the car.

Bella looked at herself through the passenger window and she looked rough, her hair was messy and un straight, god knows what it looks like from the back. She hated how after a night of drinking she looked like shes been dragged out of a sewer and back to the living.

"Why isn't mom coming with us?" Her dad sighed. "Mija your mom is very stressed let her have a day off." This made Bella side eye him, her mom was always trying to make it seem like she was hard work and not easy to deal with when shes hardly ever at home anyways. "Right because i'm such a bitch." She looked out the window at the views of the ocean. Her dad just shook his head in response not wanting to say any more.

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