Chapter 8 - Violin.

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Green's POV

I was walking to my locker. It was the end of the day and I could go home. The only people who were staying at school were students who were staying for clubs. I never joined a club. I wasn't interested in staying at school any longer than nessesary.

As I was walking I heard Purple call out for me:

"Green! Green!"

He ran over to me. To my suprise he was holding some sort of case in his hand. It was for an instrument.

"What's up?" I asked.

"So, Gold forced me to join a club this year, so I chose the music club. And... uh... I don't wanna go there alone, so.... would you maybe..."

"Purple, I said I'm not joining any clubs. Besides, can't you go with Gold?"

"Gold is at his own club now. Come on Green! Please! I don't wanna go alone. Besides, you play guitar, right? You'll fit in just fine! Please!"

I thought for a moment. Maybe I should go? It would be a chance to be alone with Purple for at least a few minutes. Don't get me wrong, Gold is a good pal, but he's always around Purple and I never get a chance to be alone with him.

"Alright. I'll take a look. But I'm not joining the club."

"Yay! Thank you so much!" Purple gave me a quick hug as a thank you wich caused my stomach to do a flip. Gosh, he was adorable.

And that's how I ended up being dragged to the music club. We entered a rather empty classroom. Would you be suprised if I told you there were mostly girls in that club? Now I knew why Purple didn't wanna come alone. Girls are scary.

We sat down and waited for something to happed. After a few minutes the president of the club asked Purple to tell something about himself.

"So, uh... My name's Purple. I play violin."

"You play violin? Since when?" I asked suprised.

"I've actually played for a while now. I can even play some now, if you'd like."

"Great idea! We don't have any violins in the club, so I'd love to hear some! Go ahead, play something!" Said the president of the club.

Purple opened the case he was carrying earlier and pulled out a violin. He placed it in the right position and started playing.

The melody was rather sad and slow, yet it was beautiful in a way. The music filled my ears. It gave me a wierd peacefull feeling. I looked at Purple as he played. He was very focused on playing. His face expression changed as the melody went on. He went from his usual shy and slightly nervous face to the real Purple - a charming, adventurous and relaxed dreamer. Not many people knew this side of Purple, but thankfully I was one of them. I didn't even notise when my cheeks got a bit red.

When Purple finished playing he recieved a well deserved applause.

"That was amazing Purple! Great job! You have talent!" Said the president.

"T- thank you." Purple mumbled, sitting down.

"Was it good?" He whispered to into my ear.

"Dude! That was amazing!"

"Nah, I'm not that good."

"You're fucking great!"

"Heh, thank you." Purple smiled. I notised that his cheeks were slightly red. I wasn't suprised. Purple would get flustered very easily.

After some time in the club we were free to go home. As we walked we continued with the light conversation.

"So, did I convince you to join the club?" Purple asked.

I thought for a moment. I wasn't interested in the club at all, but joining it meant I could spend more time with Purple.

"Maybe. I dunno. I'll have to think about it."

"You should join. We could play something together. Or even sing too. I bet it'd sound great, especially with your beautiful voice!"

I blushed slightly. Not because of the compliment, as I was very well aware that I had an angelic voice. I blushed because of the idea of another possible activity involving only me and Purple.

"I mean, that ain't a bad idea..." I shrugged, trying to seem like it didn't really matter to me.

"See! That would be fun. But even if you won't join, I still gotta thank you for coming there with me. I was so nervous about going alone! How could I repay you for that?"

And then I had one of my absolutely brilliant ideas.

"Actually, I have an idea in mind..."

"Oh and what would that be?"

"We could go somewhere together, anywhere really."

"That's it? Okay! I'll ask the others if they wanna tag along-"

"No, no. I meant if we could go somewhere... y'know... alone. Just the two of us?"

"Why so?"

"No offence, but your brother is very clingy towards you and I never get a chance to really talk to you without him interrupting."

"Can't argue with that. Gold can be a handfull sometimes..."

"Yeah, that's why I was thinking about meeting up alone. Of course, we don't have to if you don't wanna..."

"No, no. I'd love to actually. It will be nice to gave a break from Gold."

"Great! I'm glad you like the idea."

I was so happy! That was my chance to get closer to Purple! And I was definitely going to use it up!

'Sooner or later that guy's heart will be mine!"


I AM BACKKK‼️‼️ Sorry for the break, but I did not think these two's ship dynamic through before writing and that's why it took so longgg (  ̄ー ̄)

‼️BUT‼️ I have an amazing idea for what to do with Second and Red (^-^)

Oh, and yes, the chapter was slightly inspired by ddlc (Doki Doki literature club) mainly because:

1. I didn't have much ideas, so I decided to do the club thing (._.)

2. Ddlc is one of my fav horror games! (The fandom is probably dead by now :_D)

Words: 1016

Stay safe guys and I will see you in the next chapter :3

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