Chapter 11 - A very good accident.

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Blue's POV

I was at Yellow's. We were studying, as usually.

"And then you have to multiply this and-"

"Yel, this is boring."

"Blue, first, you interrupted me, second, we gotta study. The test is in five days and you barely know anything!"

"Exactly. FIVE days. We can lay off the studying for one day."

Yellow sighed.

"I mean... I wouldn't mind that... But-"

"Nah Yel, we're taking a break."


Yellow sighed.

"So, what do you wanna do?" He asked.

"We can go for a walk. I heard somewhere that fresh air helps you think clear!"

"That actually sounds good. We can go."

"Just please, for fucks sake, change into something more comfortable! You don't have to look like a fancy buisness man 24/7!"

"Yeah, you're right. Gimme a moment."

I stepped out of the room, letting Yel get changed. After a moment, he came out of his room. He was wearing a black hoodie and a pair of worn off jeans. He looked very nice.

"Better?" He asked.

"Hmm, almost. One more thing."

I walked over to him and ruffled his hair a lill bit.

"Wha- Blue!"

After a moment I moved away. He looked like a completly different person.

"Holy shit... You look great Yel!" I smiled brightly. I felt my cheeks heating up slightly. He looked so cute!

"Ya really think so...?" Yellow didn't seem so sure about this.

"Of course! You look so much more relaxed without that fancy tie around your neck. And the messy hair adds onto the look. Gosh! You look so cute right now!"

After a moment it hit me. I just said he looked cute. OUT LOUD.

Yellow seemed caught off guard. I notised his cheeks heating up.

"You... think I look cute?"

"M- m- maybe..."

"Actually, I was meaning to ask you something Blue."

"Y- yeah?"

"I've notised that you're acting a bit... different lately. You're way more flirty with me, even if it's as a joke. You compliment me, you're really nice to me. So I wanted to ask.... should I know about something...?"

I felt my cheeks flush red. Was I really THAT obvious?!

"I- I- I... Uhhh...." I giggled nervously.

"Yes?" Yellow asked calmly.

I took a deep breath. This was my chance. Eithter now or never.

"Yellow, you're my best friend. We've always been there for eachother for the last few years. And he thing is... I started developing some feelings for you. I dunno what caused it: your cute face, or maybe the fact that you never pushed me away, despite how dumb I am. What I'm trying to say is... I like you. Heck, I fucking love you. I just... didn't want to ruin our friendship with my stupid emotions..."

I looked down. This was it. I revealed my biggest secret to him. There was no turning back.

"You... like me? L- Love me?" Yellow asked with a shy smile on his face. God, he looked so cute right now.

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