4. Friends?

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"...J! Put me down!.." Wynonna let out a laugh as JJ spun her around, and he laughed, smiling as she tightly held on to him.

"Not until you say it! You have to say it!" JJ told her,

"Maybe don't shake her brain so much. She's one of the smart ones in the group." Pope spoke up, with a small laugh,

JJ had picked up Wynonna after the two got into a playful argument about who's the best surfer.

Wynonna let a laugh, her eyes full of joy, "Okay! Okay! JJ Maybank is the best surfer in outerbanks!"

JJ laughed, putting her down, and Wynonna grinned at him, "After, Birdy!"

JJ gasped, "Oh, I see how it is. Two can play at that game. Come here, come here." 

Wynonna backed up from him, a huge smile on her face, and JJ stalked towards her, a playful smile on his face.

"You have to catch me first." JJ shot forward, but Wynonna moved, dodging him, JJ chuckled, "I'm gonna catch you."

Pope laughed as he watched JJ chase after Wynonna, who was outrunning him.

It was just the three of them at the moment. John B was with Sarah, and Kiara was somewhere. She didn't extacly give details.

Wynonna let out a squeal as JJ caught her , his arms were wrapped around her waist, her back was pressed against his chest, and he lifted her up with ease, her feet hovering above the sand.

JJ carried her over to the water, and Wynonna's eyes widened, "JJ, you better not.." She cut herself off as she let out a small shout as JJ threw her into the water, and she heard JJ laughed.

Wynonna grinned to herself and held her breath under the water.

JJ stopped laughing as he didn't see Birdy Resurface. He knew that she knew how to swim.

Pope stood up from the branch and walked over as he didn't see Wynonna resurface.

A sudden yell caught his attention, and he snapped his head over to JJ, seeing him gone, and Wynonna resurfaced, laughing.

Pope let out a breath of relief, and JJ appeared, coughing out water, and he splashed at Wynonna.

"..thought you drowned!" JJ said, his voice was playful, but Pope could see the relief in his eyes.

"As If, I'm one of the best swimmers ever, JJ." Wynonna replied, swimming over to him and sending a smile before splashing him with water.

"Just kiss already!" Pope yelled at them, and they snapped their heads over him, and he grinned at them.

JJ and Wynonna looked at each other, their eyes meeting, before a mischievous grin appeared on their faces.

Pope chuckled to himself before he saw JJ and Wynonna swimming over to him, and his smile faltered a bit , and he backed up as they got out of the water and stalked towards him.

"No, no, you two stay away from me! I am warning you!" Pope told them before he bolted.

"You can't outrun us both!" JJ yelled after him, laughing.

"I can definitely outrun you!" Pope yelled back. He can definitely outrun JJ, but Wynonna, she was the fastest out of all of them.

Pope abruptly stopped as Wynonna appeared in front of him with a grin, her cheeks red, but a playful look on her face.

JJ caught with them before Pope could convince Wynonna to let him go. JJ trapped Pope.

"Birdy, grab his legs." JJ said, and Pope didn't even fight as Wynonna grabbed his legs, and between her and JJ, they lifted him up and took him towards the water.

Birdy || Outerbanks || JJ Maybank & Rafe Cameron Where stories live. Discover now