Chapter 87

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It was quite funny that we were hiding simply by sitting on a rock in tall grass some distance from the highway. I tilted my head, what was that sound? It almost sounded like the crunch of tires on gravel. There were quite a few sets of walking horse hoof beats.

Diane put her backpack on and rested her glaive across her knees. I took that as the cue to put my own pack on in case we had to run. Movement caught my eyes. I shifted on my rock a bit, the various colors of clothing showed that this was not one of Wainwright's Trading Groups. Well. I had no clue who they were or what they were doing out here. Now I wasn't sure I wanted to meet them after all. It was too late for me to back out now.

I watched as the entire group came into view. There were three trucks pulling semi cargo trailers with solar panels on the sides. Ladders adorned the sides, allowing a route to safety in case of a zombie attack. Each trailer also had a trailer with solar panels arranged in a tent shape.

I narrowed my eyes as I peered at it. There were four bicycles on each trailer under the solar panels. Two people happened to be pedaling slowly, so it must be able to generate power like that. All were mounted on horses, except for a dozen who were either driving or riding on top of the trailers. Additional horses wearing just a halter and a lead rope were also present.

It was slightly cloudy, but all of the solar panels allowed this group to move faster than Dave's group had before Diane had found more solar panels. There were weapons present, but most of the people were relaxed and none of them had spotted us yet. There were at least forty people visible and probably more that I couldn't see on the other side of the trailers.

Diane spoke quietly, "Let's try to see if we can get just one or two to approach us. Once they get closer, I will stand up. I bet a couple will approach me and I will motion you to stand up as they get closer. That should make them pause since they will know that I will likely be quite protective. We will see how it goes from there. Watch my hands for any signs I give. If we end up running, take off to the west down that deer trail we found earlier while I lure them south. I will catch up shortly and will be using my chickadee call."

"Okay." I slid off the rock slowly to sit on the ground. The clams distracted me, if we had to run, I didn't want to lose the lunch I had worked so hard for. I pulled a plastic bag out of my pack and put any clam that was done into it. Diane was still sitting and watching the group. They were almost across from us now.

Diane slowly stood up and balanced her glaive in one hand as she faced the large group. One woman jumped a bit as she saw Diane stand up, a crossbow in her hand pointed towards Diane before lowering.

Diane stood with her feet slightly spread, alert, but not threatening. She was obviously waiting for them to make the first move. The woman swiftly started speaking with those around her and heads started turning towards us. I shrunk down a bit, even though I knew that none of them had spotted my hidden form in the tall grass yet.

The trucks slowed down somewhat. They were getting closer just by following the road. I could hear some of the louder voices, although I doubted that anyone thought we could hear them. A normal person wouldn't have been able to, but neither of us were exactly normal.

"Where on earth did she come from?"

"Not sure, but she is there now. She has quite a few weapons on her."

"Show me one person traveling these remote roads without a weapon. I wonder if she has her horse picketed in the forest, I can't see her coming all the way out here on foot. She would be zombie bait by now."

"At least she isn't holding that bow. Hey Roland, you are the leader, why don't you go approach her? Perhaps your personality and charm will keep her from turning you into a pin cushion."

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