Chapter 97

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The sun had set quite a while ago, but everyone remained awake to see Diane's reaction. If it weren't for the fact that I knew Diane couldn't get lost, I would have started to wonder. A flicker of blue in the trees had me turning my head with a grin as a pair of glowing blue eyes exited the forest. Her steps were slow with exhaustion, she really must have run hard to tire herself out like that.

The others noticed my reaction and also spotted her. It wasn't like she was easy to miss with her eyes glowing so. She tilted her head and slowed as she approached the gate, probably wondering why everyone was still awake.

Roland watched her enter the gate, "We were beginning to wonder if you even planned on returning despite the fact that we had Laura held hostage here."

A faint grin appeared on her face, "Uh huh. As if you would be able to restrain Laura if she really wanted to get away."

I grinned silently as Roland chuckled in agreement. A more serious look crossed his face, "I can guess from the way you left what Damen's answer was."

Diane frowned and her eyes brightened marginally with strong emotion, "I am not used to be being insulted seven ways from Sunday by someone in charge of a settlement. They are usually far more professional and diplomatic. I had to go for a run to cool off my temper."

That must have been some insult to get Diane that worked up. People had tried to kill her at Wainwright Fort and they didn't get such a strong reaction out of her. It may be best if I never found out the exact details. Some things were best left unknown.

Roland continued on in a serious tone, "Yeah... We heard a bit about it. Apparently you have the power of teleportation and the ability to steal someone's voice as well."

Diane's forehead wrinkled at that rumor. She looked faintly concerned, as if worried about Roland's negative reaction to whatever he had heard. She glanced at me, but my excitement would have been clearly written on my expression. Diane wasn't sure where this conversation was going.

She shrugged as she sat on the last vacant stump beside me, "That is a new one to me. Although the ability to teleport would really come in handy."

I would like that ability too. Imagine all of the possibilities! Quite a few people chuckled, but fell silent, eager to hear Roland's words as he dumped the surprise on Diane.

Roland turned on his stump to face her, "I have spoken with each member here and we all have the same opinion. Despite your best efforts to join a settlement, you have been turned away from each one. Yet, you have worked hard without complaint and have never caused any sort of trouble. Todd mentioned that he would like you around since you know about the Heartfire virus and he wants your experience in case something comes up. I also had a very long talk with Laura to understand her views and thoughts."

I was practically bouncing as Roland paused for a second. Diane's eyes were glowing much stronger, her expression gave away her intent interest and growing hope.

"Everyone here, including myself, would like to extend an offer for you and Laura to join our trading group permanently."

Diane blinked in surprise and smiled warmly, "Thank you very much and I am very happy to accept your offer."

Roland held out his hand and Diane wasted no time in reaching over to shake it in a solid welcoming handshake. Everyone around the fire was smiling or grinning. It felt very good to be welcomed somewhere. This group had started to feel almost like family during our long road trips. Sure we had our minor disagreements, but what large group got along perfectly?

Roland continued, "While I spoke with others, several of them mentioned that they would also like to have the virus that you gave Todd. We have all seen his speed, strength, and stamina surpass ours these last few weeks and some want that. All of those who want the virus want immunity in case of a zombie attack."

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