Chapter 127

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I dried my plate and put it on the stack of plates. Most people washed whatever plates and utensils they used. It only made sense with so many people. The cooks had enough to wash on their own.

I followed Diane as we headed outside. The seven bells had gone off about five minutes ago and we had heard the trucks pull into the shelters as we were finishing our supper. Many people were still inside eating, so we were one of the first to arrive.

Roland's group was just starting to open up the trailers. We came around the one truck and Diane exclaimed, "Trish?!"

I turned my head and blinked a few times to make sure I wasn't seeing things, but that was definitely Trish and Nathan standing there. Diane went forward with open arms and Trish returned the hug before Nathan passed Cathy back to her. Diane's eyes were shimmering with her happiness, "What are you doing here?"

I went to give Trish a hug as Trish responded to Diane, "Decided to surprise you. We figured we would come here and see what life was like. There isn't much I could do anyways when I look after Cathy all day and Nathan was doing more foraging since the Raiders have more or less been disbanded from the lack of work in that area."

I looked at Cathy, but her brown eyes stared vacantly in my general direction. Hope's ability to focus must be due to the Heartfire. Diane grinned at Trish, "Did Nathan mention that in Roland's hearing?"

A voice from above replied, "Yes, in fact, Roland wants him on his team once they are settled in."

I looked up to see Frances above with a heavy looking bag. Diane found it amusing that Roland was once more trying to get more people with raider experience on his team. Dave's Walmart stop had triggered a friendly competition between those two.

Frances was still looking at Diane, "By the way, you get to give them the tour of the place. Have fun." He turned to walk to the far side of the trailer and drop the bag to someone below.

Diane turned to Trish, "Did they talk your ears off on your way down, or do I have to cover everything?"

"They explained everything in general, so I just need to know where everything is actually located."

Diane started walking and I skipped along beside her. Trish and Nathan walked on the other side of her. Ace also tagged along. Diane nodded, "That is easy enough if you are up for some walking."

Trish nodded easily. Diane took a closer look at Ace who did not seem particularly surprised to see our new three guests. Diane narrowed her eyes at him in a mock glare, "You knew they were coming, didn't you?"

Ace raised an eyebrow with a slight grin, "Perhaps. I couldn't ruin their surprise after all."

Diane tried a swift jab to his kidneys, but Ace dodged her as he skipped out of range with a grin on his face. Trish and Nathan looked shocked at their speed and bantering. Heartfire speed wasn't something you could really prepare yourself for, so I couldn't really blame them. Neither of them had ever watched these two spar to the best of my knowledge.

Diane shook her head, "Traitor."

Ace simply looked amused at her failed attempt at revenge. Diane spoke about the numerous animal coops, shelters, and carved rooms we passed. We eventually headed towards the mess hall since they hadn't eaten yet. Diane made a detour to show Trish the nearest bathroom to change Cathy's diaper while I went with Ace and Nathan to get a table for us.

I had just finished eating, but grabbed a plate for Trish. I knew what she preferred to eat and took her plate to the table with us. Ace walked beside me and Nathan seemed at a loss when it came to starting a conversation.

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