chapter 2

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 So I forgot to mention that the setting is present time. It's going to be a little different compared to now. Like how the weapons are going to be far more advanced then how weapons are now. Sorry, I meant to put this in the story but it kind of just slipped my mind. Aaaaanyways..... enjoy!


 “We’re here.” A voice says.

            I look up and out of the car window. I see large tents all around the base camp. I see men running in formation. I see others practicing with the newest weapons. I see soldiers getting check-ups from the doctor. It’s all very different.

            “What do you think?” A voice asks.

            I turn to look at Officer Russell. He looks at me worriedly. Almost as if he’s afraid I’m going to back down. I give him a smile to reassure him. His face relaxes a little.

            “It’s definitely different. I’m more nervous to meet my team than anything else.” I say, shyly.

            He nods as he indicates that he understands.  I found out that there are 4 other people that the military was searching for. I was the last one to be found. Together, we made a group of 5 people that were very skilled compared to the average person. One of them leads the group but apparently they are having trouble controlling them. It was apparently hard to convince them to join the military. Our team is supposed to train and take on secret missions. We do the most dangerous work. We will do many different missions, whether it’s being a spy or staying in the shadows and watching all the other men’s backs during a battle.

            Officer Russell gets out of the car. I do the same and follow him to a smaller green tent that’s a little farther away from all the other tents. I get many looks from men on the way to the tent. It’s not surprising. The military has never had a girl in their camps before. I guess they really need me. It’s going to be hard for me here. The training won’t be bad but the abuse will be. Officer Russell stops just outside the tent and then turns to me.

            “Please don’t take anything they say serious. They are just a little angry that they have to work with a girl.” He looks off to the side and whispers, “They think girls should just stay home and cook for the men.” He looks at me again.

            I smirk. I hate sexists. I hate them so much. I am one of those girls who want to be treated equally. I knew this was going to be hard but it’s going to be really hard if my own teammates won’t even work with me.

            “Don’t worry, Officer Russell.” I walk past him and into the tent. “I know how to play well with others.”

            As soon as I walk in, I see 4 heads look at me. One of them immediately groans. I turn to his direction and glare at him.

            “Great, she’s here.” He glares back at me.

            “Nice welcome.” I say.

            One of the men comes up to me and takes my hand. He kneels down and kisses my hand.

            “Welcome my lovely lady.” He peers up at me and winks at me.

            I roll my eyes.

            “I see we have a player.” I say.

            He frowns and stands back up. He pushes a piece of hair from my face and behind my ear.

            “I am no such thing. I just believe every woman deserves a proper welcoming.” He says, simply.

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