chapter 3

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So I'm trying to update more and I'm glad I am. I really like how my stories are coming along. Sorry for any mistakes because I haven't edited this. Enjoy!           


 Fire surrounded me. No matter where I tried to escape to, fire kept blocking my path. I didn’t have time for this. I had to find Kelsey. Where was she? I hear a scream and run towards the direction of the scream. It took a few minutes because I had to maneuver through the flames. I go through a doorway and into the cafeteria. The place is surrounded by flames and most of the tables are on fire. I see Kelsey sprawled across the ground in the middle of the room with a man stand above her. Kelsey isn’t moving. I run towards her when I notice that the man has a gun in his hand. He kneels down and puts the gun to Kelsey’s head. I run faster. The man looks at me and smiles right before he pulls the trigger. My screams are drowned out by the ringing of the shot. I get to Kelsey’s body a second later. I hold her in my arms and just keep crying out her name, hoping she will answer me back. I look up to the man as he puts the gun to my forehead. He says something but I don’t hear anything. I’m lost. I can’t hear anything. I can’t feel anything. What’s going on? How did this happen? Why would he do this? I thought… I thought… A shot disrupts my thoughts. I don’t know if I’ve been shot or not but I feel my body shut down and collapse. I thought he…

            I jolt up in my bed. I feel myself hyperventilating. I wipe my forehead from sweat that was forming. I look around the tent and see that everyone else is still asleep. I look at the clock and still see that it’s almost 2 in the morning. I know I won’t be able to fall asleep for a while so I get up and put my boots on. I head outside of the tent and notice a building right across from the tent. It’s away from everyone else, just like us.

I go over to it and surprisingly, the door is unlocked. I open it to find a gym with all kinds of equipment. This must be where everyone trains. I see a track on the top second floor and head up there. There’s not only equipment everywhere but also weapons. I see 2 different booths in the back. One has many computers while the other has all kinds of maintenance. Those must be for Jacks and Alex.

I get to the track and start jogging. After a while, I go into a sprint. I keep thinking about my breathing and nothing else. Just focus on breathing. After a while, I go back to the first floor and start punching the punching bag. I imagine the bag being the man from my dreams. I try to hit all his weak spots.

I leave the bag and just start punching the air. I imagine myself fighting him. I keep trying to take him down but then he keeps blocking. Damn it! I can’t even beat him in my head! I get angrier and start to punch harder and can feel myself breathing harder. I’m not focusing enough. I’m letting the emotions getting the best of me. I can’t help it. I can’t stop thinking about him. Why did he do it? Why is he alive? Why can’t I remember? Why? Why? Why?

My vision starts to blur. I feel my body getting heavier but it keeps moving. I feel myself moving faster and my temper is boiling over. I can’t control myself anymore. I fall out of consciousness.



I feel my senses coming back to me. I feel a tight grip holding my arms. My body is being shaken. My vision comes back to see a worry stricken Tristan. Once he sees that I’m coming back to my senses, he smiles and releases me. He takes a step back.

“Tristan! What happened?” I ask.

“You tell me. I noticed your bed being empty so I went looking for you and heard noises coming from the gym. When I came in, you started to attack me. You seemed to have had a killing intent. You tried to hit all of my crucial points. You almost got me too.” He says.

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