chapter 4

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So I don't think it's that bad but there are some spots where it might be a little graphic. I don't think it's that bad but what do you expect? I did say she used to be an assassin. Well anyways, enjoy the story!


            The first thing that happened in the morning was me hitting the ground, hard. I groan and roll on to my back to look at a laughing Jacks. Anger takes me over and I get up immediately. Jacks sees my face and pales.

            “You are so dead!” I say.

            I rush towards him but hit a solid wall. Now I know what you’re thinking. No I didn’t hit an actual wall. It just felt like one. I look up to see a grinning Tristan.

            “Now now Anna. It’s too early in the morning for you and Jacks to cause a ruckus. Besides,” he wraps his arms around me. “I wouldn’t want you to scrape that pretty little face of yours.”

            I roll my eyes and slip out of his grasp.

            “And it’s too early for your flattery.” I say.

            I hear Jacks chuckle. Brock walks up to him and slaps him on the back of the head.

            “Ow!” Jacks rubs the back of his head.

            “Quit whining. It’s time to go training.” Brock walks out of the tent.

            “You heard the man. Time to go.” Tristan takes my hand and drags me out of the tent. Jacks and Alex follow behind us.

            “You can let go now.” I say.

            “I can’t do that. I wouldn’t want my princess to trip and hurt herself.” He winks at me.

            “Ok, I’ve decided. Your new nickname is Prince Charming.” I say.

            Tristan stops and turns to me. He grins at me.

            “I like it. Does that mean I’m your Prince Charming?” He wiggles his eyebrows.

            “Please, I’m not some damsel in distress.” I say.

            I walk past him and into the gym. I see Brock lifting weights. Everyone goes to their own little station. Jacks and Alex go to their booths while Tristan, Brock, and I start training in the gym. I go straight to the punching bag. I see Tristan out of the corner of my eye. He’s looking at me with some seriousness. He’s probably waiting for me to go crazy again. I really need to work on my temper.

            Something all of a sudden knocks into me and I hit the punching bag. I turn around with a glare on my face. I find the culprit. Brocks standing a few feet behind me with a smirk.

            “What the hell?” I yell.

            “What? My hand slipped.” He says unconvincingly.

            “The hell it did!” I say.

            “What are you going to do about it?” He asks.

            I was about to let my anger out on him but I stopped myself. I smirk back at Brock.

            “I would fight you but I don’t want to embarrass you in front of these men.” I say.

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