S o m e o n e N e w

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Listen, um.
I found someone.
Hotline Girl ?

Yeah, I'm here.
Wow ! You did all the work by yourself !
Bravo !

Ah. You and your sarcasm. I miss it all the time.

You talk to me all the time.

Right. So..

Who's the unlucky girl ?

Before I say, can I just say that, girl ! Sometimes I think you are over jealous when I like someone..

You wish, Sparrow, you wish.

You have no idea what I wish..

What ?

What ?

What did you just say ?

Well, I technically didn't say anything, I just texted..

I know that dumbass..but..



Um, it's Laura Clavier.


I know..

You wanna date the hottest and the most kindest girl in school who is basically the human version of perfection ?

Yep. Oddly accurate.

And why in freaking Olympus do you think she will date you ?

Because I am smart, hot, handsome, charming and the perfect definition of a Greek God.

As if ! In your dreams, Sparrow.

That's right. I do dream of-


I was gonna say me, but um, okay.

Okay. Laura has a kind heart, so she might let you down slowly.

Did you just-

Alec Benjamin, yes.

Well, what do you know ? She might just like me..

Again, in your dreams..

Why are you so jealous ?!

You wouldn't understand ( not sent )

I am not jealous !!
Why do you always think it's about you ?!

Oh come on ! Go away.

Of course. I'll do it, and I'll do it gladly.

Sure. I don't care. Your services don't work anyway..I'll woo Laura on my own.

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