J e a l o u s M u c h

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Hey Hotline Girl.

Hey..Damien ?

So..Rey Oliver, huh ?

What ?!

Rey Oliver. Your new client.

Oh..yeah, Rey. What about him ?

You and Rey, huh ?

Are you seriously dumb ?

Why ?

He is here for love advice..he's not going to ask me to the prom, you idiot !


Wait a sec, what ?

What ?

Why do you care if Rey had asked me out ?

Well, then you would give him more importance than me..

Nah. But..if that makes me feel better after your stupid dumb comments, then of course I would give him more importance..

Damn woman, you are cruel..


Anyway, are you going to the prom ?

Well, yeah uh ! Of course I have to !

Why ? Cupid got a date, huh ? ;) ;)

You wish. But, nah..Principal Denver's literally making me go ! Mr. Usher convinced Principal Denver..so..

Wait, Mr. Usher ? Doesn't he take the History class ?

Yeah. What about him ?

Is it possible that maybe you and I are in the same class ?

Shit. ( unsent )

Keep on thinking. Maybe you'll know the answer in two thousand and never..

You are mean.

Like as if you didn't know that..


Anyway, what's the status with Laura ?

Well, I am working on that..might talk to her tomorrow..

Okay. Do well, and please don't mess this up..and please, no flirting..

Got it..Mom.

Did you just 'Mom' me ?

Well, I guess I did..

You will pay for this Damien Sparrow, you will..no one, no one calls The Cupid 'Mom'.

Gosh girl, you are scaring me..

Just you wait..

Hotline girl ?
Hello ?
Hey there..
Yeah, so..
Hotline Girl !
Goddammit woman !

Hey Hotline Girl ?
Yeah, um, it's been six hours..
What are you planning ?!
Oh Shit..

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