M in d S e t

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Hello ?
Damien ?

What's up babe ?
The Sun has definitely risen from the other side..
You're texting me first !!

Oh shush peasant..
You gotta tell her soon..
I can't hold my curiosity..

Hang in. A lot to go before I tell her..

No..please..just tell her..

How ?

Oh come on !
Gather up your courage and ask her for prom !


Listen up here, and you listen good. You are hopelessly in love with this mystery girl and I'm not letting you lose it at all..do you understand ?

Crystal. But I don't know if she'll accept me..

Omg ! Come on. You're a good guy, great in fact. Just be yourself. Like always..

Of course..thank you.

Now get out of here !
Ask her to prom, will you ?

Oh I will do more than just ask her to prom.. ;)

L♡VE On Speed Dial ✓Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα