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Rafe was still out of control while throwing multiple punches at jj. The messy blonde laid on the floor past out, while his face met rafe's knuckles over and over again as people watched the dirty blonde nearly kill the boy.

Kelce ran over to the living room where the dirty blonde was beating the shit out of the messy blonde, attempting to calm down the boy and remove him from on top of jj, before being shoved back causing the dark haired boy to grunt as he fell backwards, the dirty blonde quickly turned back around to jj to continue throwing his knuckles in his face, Before topper helped his dark haired friend to his feet then grabbing ahold of the dirty blonde successfully shoving the dirty blonde off jj. "That's enough!" Topper yelled at his friend that had blood smeared all over his knuckles as he got up from toppers shove. "No no no, you didn't see what he was doing to Amara!" The dirty blonde yelled back at his friend while pointing a finger at jj before trying to throw another punch at the messy blonde but instead got shoved again by his blonde friend.

As topper and rafe argued about absolutely nothing Amara was fast asleep, curled up on toppers couch as she was too drunk to keep her eyes open.

"Rafe just look at Amara!" Topper yelled at rafe while slowly turning his head to the brunette girl that laid on his couch with her eyes closed and her tiny hands under her head while her brunette hair covered parts of her face. Rafe quickly tilted his head to the brunette immediately softening his eyes, unclenching his jaw and releasing his balled fists. "Just take her home, take care of her and keep her safe like what you always do rafe" the blonde said as he watched the dirty blonde calm down as he eyed the brunette.

The dirty blonde then connected his eyes with his friend, and then at the messy blonde that laid on the floor with blood covering his sun kissed face before looking back at Amara still laid on the couch. The dirty blonde shoved his blonde friend as he walked past him before picking up the brunette bridal style softly from the couch.

The brunette still fast asleep in rafe's muscular arms as he carried the girl to the front door while people gave glances at the boy. "If I see jj touching Amara again, I'll kill him" Rafe said softly to he's blonde friend so Amara wouldn't wake up, topper starred back at his dirty blonde friend, the blonde was shocked that his friend would go that far for Amara, "Rafe what the hell-" topper said as everyone watched as rafe cut him off by slamming the door behind him.

The dirty blonde's heart racing with anger still running through his veins as he carried the sleeping brunette to his truck, one of rafe's hands placed behind the girls head so her neck wouldn't be hanging out with his other arm wrapped under her thighs as he walked to his truck. The dirty blonde softly placed the girl in the back seat of his truck before closing the car door and getting into the drivers seat.

The dirty blonde drove to his house through the dark night, while giving glances through the mirror to the brunette in the back seat as he tried to rub his bloody hands onto his khaki shorts.

Rafe finally pulled up his drive away, unbuckling himself before opening the car door then running to the back of his truck where Amara was curled up with little snores escaping her. The dirty blonde slowly slid his arms under Amara's body before softly scooping her up into his grip.

Rafe made his way quietly up his stairs and to his room before softly placing the girl on his bed causing the girl to slightly open her eyes. "Rafe?" Is all the girl said before being cut off by the boy "it's ok baby, just sleep" and before the dirty blonde could finish his sentence the girl was fast asleep again. The dirty blonde admired her as she slept on his bed before slowly pulling his silky covers over and placing it on top of her body, then slowly placing himself next to her in his bed and pulling her into his arms "I love you" the dirty blonde said before falling asleep with Amara in his arms.

Rafe woke up the next morning from constant texts from topper. As Amara curled up in his arms asleep.

~ what is going on??
~I took care of jj
~come over now.

The dirty blonde looked at all his friends messages on his Lock Screen, scrolling through them before ignoring them and placing his phone back on his bedside table then turning his attention back to the brunette that laid her head on his chest. The girl could feel rafe's chest slowly rise and fall as she opened her eyes and instantly feeling the boys fingers playing with her long brown hair.

"Morning" the dirty blonde said as he continued to play with her hair. "Rafe what happened last night?" The brunette asked softly as she took her head off the boys chest to face him. "Uhhh" the boy tried to say what happened but couldn't as anger started to run through his veins by thinking about the events last night with the messy blonde. "Rafe?" The brunette asked again as she starred at rafe in confusion. "Jj" is all the dirty blonde said as he tightened his grip on the brunettes waist. "Rafe what about jj?" The brunette asked again as she started to get frustrated.

The dirty blonde noticed as she clearly started to get frustrated at the boy "I left you for 2 seconds to get drinks for us, to uh, to come back to jj um guiding your hips into him, you were too drunk to notice that it wasn't me behind you, okay? and it made me mad, he's always all over you and he just gets under my skin" the dirty blonde ranted to his girlfriend as he clenched his jaw. "What I, I don't remember, I'm sorry rafe" the brunette replied as she tried to calm the boy down. "I know I know, I'm not mad at you I'm mad at jj, I want to hurt him Amara and-" Rafe admitted as he pulled Amara closer like he could somehow get closer to the girl. "Rafe all I want is you" the girl said as she placed both of her hands on his face before softly pulling him in to a kiss feeling that the boy was smiling as he kissed her back softly.

"I'm gonna take you for a ride on my bike, okay?" The boy said as he got up from his bed while eyeing the girl that sat under his covers before she gave a nod while her lips curled up, forming a smile.

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