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"Kaia Gold get downstairs now before I drag you by your hair!"

Kaia froze in her room when she heard the front door swing open and slam against the wall, feeling as if the whole house was shaking.

Her father's voice echoed against the bricks and she felt her heart start to race and her palms sweat, wondering what on Earth he was angry at her for that morning.

She quickly pulled a blanket over her shoulders and rushed down the staircase, not having much time to prepare herself for the wrath of Aberama Gold.

Kaia hadn't seen her father or Bonnie in the handful of days since she'd split up with Calvin and started whatever it was she'd started with Thomas. The house was quiet without them but Thomas had paid more than one visit to keep her company in the time they'd been gone.

"What is it?" Kaia asked, her hands clutching the sides of the blanket that was draped across her shoulders.

"Tell me it isn't true?" He asked, his head tilted to the side and a desperate look in his eyes, "Tell me he's lying."

"Tell you what? Dad I have no idea what you're taking about, I-"

"Mr Gold, Mr Gold wait!"

Kaia rolled her eyes and let out a heavy breath that had frozen her heart for a few seconds once she heard Tommy's voice from down the street, the sound of running footsteps getting closer as her father stared her down.

"Get the fuck out of my house Thomas I don't-"

"Mr Gold," Tommy panted, bending forward with his hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath, "Please."

Aberama kept turning his head from the Blinder to his daughter, waiting for him to slow his heart and explain himself.

"Go on then, Peaky boy."

"You see, I..." Tommy looked over Aberama's shoulder to make eye contact with Kaia. It was only yesterday that he'd last seen her but he hadn't felt himself since they'd said goodbye, his heart immediately warming at the sight of the woman looking so naturally beautiful in an innocent state.

Aberama cleared his throat, crossing his arms at his chest and narrowing his eyes at Tommy who just sighed loudly.

"I can't explain, there isn't anything to explain. Bonnie's telling the truth, Mr Gold."

The look of disappointment that flashed across Aberama's eyes made Kaia feel sick. She watched as he slammed the door in Tommy's face, leaving him on the doorstep in the melting snow and bitter wind. Bonnie was nowhere to be seen.

She stood still in the kitchen, watching as her father did the same, his eyes tightly shut. She knew he was thinking about what was the right thing to say, trying to calm himself down and not overreact.

Kaia half expected Thomas to knock on the door, the God-complex within him telling her that it wasn't an action that was too far-fetched, only there was no knock that came.

"Why?" Was the first thing that Aberama uttered quietly, looking up at his daughter who stood looking like the worried child he'd raised so long ago.

"Why what, Dad?" She replied.

"You got rid of Calvin, why? And for him?" He said, pointing back behind his shoulder with his thumb.

Kaia sighed quietly and chewed on her lip. She knew that to a father, Calvin was perhaps the ideal man for a daughter to bring home, and someone like Thomas Shelby was seemingly the polar opposite. But Kaia couldn't help how she felt.

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