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Meanwhile, in the dining room, the guests were sitting at the dining table talking as they waited for the bride and groom to join them. A blonde woman rushed in and Oscar looked at her, "You're finally here, love," Oscar said as he stood up.

"I'm sorry," She walked over and they kissed, "You know what the hospital's like," She said.

"Don't worry about it, Marilyn. The bride and groom are missing," Shane said.

"Oh, I don't feel so bad anymore," Marilyn said as she sat down.

Angela and Michael walked in, "Really think they will be enough?" Michael asked.

"We're just gonna have to hope aren't we?" Angela asked.

"Angela, dear," She looked at Cecilia, "Is everything okay?" Cecilia asked.

"Yes, don't worry about it," Angela said as she and Michael sat down, she sat between Isaiah and Michael.

"I fucking hate this," Isaiah whispered.

"Hey, hey," Angela placed her head on his shoulder and started to remove some lint as he looked at her, "Ignore them, like your dad is, okay?" Angela whispered.

"Okay," Isaiah whispered.

"If you can't handle a meal, we'll go out for a fag or something," Angela whispered and Isaiah nodded.

Near the head of the table, Arthur sat with his new wife, Linda. Arthur looked at his pocket watch and saw how late Tommy and Astella were to dinner, "Fuck it. Fuck it. Where the bloody hell are they?" Arthur muttered.

"You're best man, Arthur. Go and find them," Linda told him.

"Yeah," Arthur stood up and walked down the table before stopping behind Angela and leaning down, "Where are they?" Arthur whispered.

"Where do you think? We heard them arguing... Use your imagination," Angela whispered.

"Bloody hell," Arthur whispered and walked out.

Angela sipped her drink as she and Michael looked at Ada as she spoke to two members of Astella's family on her father's side, "That's complete nonsense. You know, we're part of a serious political movement and organisation," Michael and Angela glanced at each other before looking at Ada again with Isaiah who was now listening to it to ignore the judgemental stares, "They're not secret little meetings, they're just meeting. We talk about the world, about the people in it, about our current political landscape and what's going on. You know, we really need to re-evaluate the way our government..." Ada said.

Angela looked at Isaiah, "Smoke?" Angela asked.

"Yes please," Isaiah said and the two stood up then left the dining room quickly.

"Don't be long you two!" John called out.

"Yeah, yeah!" Angela said as they left.

Polly, Natasha and Lizzie were talking, "He's strange," Polly whispered.

"He's looking over," Natasha said as a gentleman glanced at her.

"What?" Polly said.

Lizzie noticed another gentleman looking at Polly as he stood up and started making his way over, "He's coming. He bloody is," Lizzie whispered.

Polly glanced then turned back to the girls, "Fuck, it's the wrong one," Polly whispered.

"What do you mean the wrong one? How many are there?" Lizzie asked.

"There's two, giving me the eye," Polly glanced at the other gentleman before looking at her niece, "I prefer the other one. He looks harmless," Polly whispered.

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