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On the day of the Astella Shelby Institution Opening, the Shelby family, Campbell brothers, Cecilia and Edward were gathered together as a Polly stood in front of everyone, "Welcome to the opening of the Astella Shelby Institute for non-insured children of the poor. I would very much like you to join me in thanking the man that made the founding of this establishment actually possible. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr Thomas Shelby and I hope you all will join me in welcoming back Mrs Astella Shelby," She said and the audience applauded.

Tommy and Astella had William and Charles on their laps, they stood up, Tommy placed William on his hip as did Astella and Tommy held his wife close, "Speech! Come on, speech!" Arthur said the married couple looked at Daniel and Angela who walked up and took their younger siblings, "Say it, Tom, Stel! Say it to 'em!" Arthur added as the married couple walked onto the stage and faced everyone.

"Lay the foundation!" John added.

Once everyone stopped applauded and sat back down, "Erm, I didn't come here today to make a speech, but I will say this. This institution wouldn't have been possible without my lovely wife," Astella smiled and looked down, "This has been a dream of us since we were children and it's been a pleasure to make this dream of hers a reality... Astella?" Tommy said and placed his hand on her back.

Astella cleared her throat, "Well, I didn't think I'd be forced to stand up here on my first day back into public life, thank you, Pol," Polly chuckled and Astella glanced at everyone before continuing, "With this institution, these children are now safe. In our care, they will be safe. Because we are from the same cold streets as they are. And in our care, they won't be shipped away to the colonies, or separated from kin," Astella looked at Oscar and Shane who nodded to her, "Or made to work for men in their various ways," She glanced at Natasha and Lizzie before looking forward, "They will grow up here, at home... Loved... In Birmingham, in the same place, I found my real family and love," Astella said.

"Because this is our city," The married couple said.

"By order of the Peaky Blinders... Get up," Arthur said and the audience applauded again as Tommy and Astella walked off the stage.

Polly stood back in their place, "Now, let us sing Immortal Invisible," She said and walked off to sit with her family.

Astella walked off as everyone started singing and Tommy followed her, finding her staring at a portrait of her younger self with flowers around, "Astella? Everything okay?" Tommy asked.

"Just a little much... Why did we name it the Astella Shelby Institution again?" She asked.

"To show anyone can change their life, just like mine... And I think it was so I couldn't do much without your say," Tommy said.

"Oh yeah... Sorry, slipped my mind," Astella said.

"It's alright," He wrapped his hands around her waist, "Pol, thought putting your portrait out here would help the kids approach you better," She hummed as they heard the singing, "You hear that, Stell? All because of you," Tommy said.

A door opened but neither of them moved, "The absence of my invitation for this event was obviously an oversight on your part, Mr Shelby?" Tommy tightened his hold on his wife so she didn't lash out, "Praise the Lord... Mrs Shelby, how lovely it is to see you up and about, like nothing ever happened to you," Father Hughes held out a set of keys, "But, look. I have the keys. I've allocated myself an office. Just there, two doors in from the street. It's the one that already has the stove and the crucifixion on the window," Tommy and Astella ignored him, "Mr and Mrs Shelby? It's the one that has the crucifixion on the window in orange and red. That will be my office. And I will take them to Saint Aloysius for confession. You do understand these keys are part of our broader arrangement?" Astella gripped her husband's arms as Father Hughes moved to stand in front of them, "In the next 24 hours, you, Mr Shelby, will do exactly as you have been instructed. You'll not deviate. You'll not fail. And you, Mrs Shelby, you'll stay out of the way," Father Hughes said.

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