𝐓𝐄𝐍; god bless geeks

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          𝐃espite their slight inconvenience, the boys had managed to steal the drone.

They'd met back at the van, the Twinkie, shortly after. The boys had arrived one by one, as they'd gotten separated in the chaos of stealing. Marlowe found Pope's heavy panting quite amusing, watching him nearly collapse while catching his breath.

He'd grunted something about a bad dog before slumping into one of the back seats.

JJ arrived soon after, a smug look capturing his reddened features. He'd been running too, by the looks of it. "Gave the guy a sob story, and boom, let me go. Can you believe it?" he'd said.

A few minutes passed before their last recruit emerged, dragging a huge, metal entity behind him. The drone. The proud grin on John B's face spread like wildfire through the group, leaving a positive vibe on the way back.

"Let's stop by The Wreak," Kiara suggests, earning a pleased moan from the other brunette.

"I think you just read my mind." She expresses extreme satisfaction. "Stealing drones makes you hungry."

"At least you weren't chased by a cougar," John B states.

"I'm sorry," Kiara deadpans, "cougar?"

"German Shepard," Pope corrects. "Super scary."

"You thought the puppy was scary?" Marlowe teases, poking his shoulder.

He defends, "it was definitely hungry! Like, showing teeth and all. Would've ripped us to shreds if it got the chance."

"Damn right it would," JJ agrees.

The conversation flows freely the rest of the way, and by the time they arrive at the Carerras' family restaurant, day has turned to night.

"What I would do to a beer and shrimp and grits right now," the blond groans while darting out of the vehicle.

Pope comments, "would not be pretty."

The Wreck is dimply lit due to the power being out. An orange hue embraces the small restaurant, and the warmth immediately welcomes the five friends. As Kiara wanders over to her father, the remaining four trek further into the room, eyes on the delicious-smelling food that's already been served.

𝐅𝐎𝐎𝐋'𝐒 𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃, jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now