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Erica had never felt so pathetic in her entire life.

She had let fear overcome her. There were to many people, there was just too much going on that it became entirely overwhelming.

Her throat had clogged up preventing any words of defence from escaping. There was a mental block, and it was sickening. The more she fought back desperate to say anything, the more pain struck her and the harder it became to breathe.

She was having the beginning stages of a panic attack as she was drastically losing the battle against her emotions.

She felt so weak in that moment while accusations were thrown at her. Her own mind had failed her by placing mental barriers as a subconscious reaction to the immense fear she was experiencing.

The fact that she was unable to defend herself and had to rely on someone else was so sickening.

Could she not do anything herself?

Did she always need someone to rescue and stand up for her?

Why was she like this?

Why could she not be strong like the Duchess of Waisend?

Erica pulled her legs to her chest as she let the tears silently flow down her cheeks. She sat alone on the cold floor of a damp and dark prison cell.

She was grateful that the Duke of Waisend upheld his promise but hated that she may have tarnished his name. The guilt was slowly consuming her along with all the devastating self-hatred and immense fear and sadness.

Why did everything always have to go wrong?

Did she not deserve a moment of happiness?

She cried until there were no more tears left to shed. She felt completely empty and numb.

She knew the consequences of what she had be accused of.


She had accepted it. Maybe death would be the final solution to end all of her suffering. She could finally be at peace.

She doubted that there would be a way to prove her innocence. To many witnesses and it honestly looked exactly like she had poisoned Rick... Or rather his name was Aleric. The King.

Her chest ached.

"King Aleric." She softly whispered.

Saying his name felt weird.

He had betrayed her in the past. He had hurt her but, she could not deny the fact that when she had seen him again, her heart had raced in a mixture of fear and a slight tinge of happiness.

Had she gone mad?

When she saw his face, it was like she almost wanted to forgive him, to turn a blind eye to all the harm he caused...

She let out a deep amused breath at the thought and lent her head back against the cold stone wall. She was definitely a weak person who was way to forgiving.

She closed her eyes.

She knew deep in her heart that she had already forgiven everyone who had hurt her. She knew she was still afraid to encounter any of them again, but she had forgiven them.

She wished to pass on from this life with no hatred or grudges. She wished to be free from all of that. She wished to be at peace with no negative emotions left to hold her back.

A small sad smile formed on her lips.

She only had on regret.

She had never thanked all those who had helped her, all those who had given her a brief taste of happiness.

She wanted to thank Ron for all his kindness and gentle patience he had offered her.

She had wanted to thank the Waisend family for their support and acceptance of her.

She had even wanted to thank Georgie and Aleric for the short happiness they had given her even if it was all a lie...

She let out a deep breath. She wanted to do one last thing before her inevitable execution, one last thing that brought her joy.

She would sing for one last time.

Slowly she let the words fall from her lips in a soft melodious tune.

Although a beautiful sound, one could hear her the sadness laced deep beneath.

As the song continued, Erica unknowingly began to cry again. She did not even realise that she had tears left to shed.

The guards on duty outside were greeted with the heart wrenching tune as it drifted by. They had unknowing held their breaths as the song settled deep within their very beings shaking up their cores.

Erica was unaware of the raw power that her voice held. It could bring a grown man to their knees if she deemed it.

Her enchanting voice was not able to travel much further than that however it just so happened to catch the ears of a passerby.

Walter was in a hurry; he had just gotten word of the King's poisoning and was desperate to reach his side.

The young commander had been out on patrol duty due to the shorthand of staff for the Trencent ball when he was urgently informed.

He had no idea who poisoned his best friend but, he vowed to make them pay.

His fast-paced steps were momentarily paused when he heard the faintest sound of a sorrowful melody.

His eyebrows scrunched thinking he had misheard, and he was about to move on when he heard it again.

Who could it be singing such a sad melody?

Curiosity got the better of him as he followed it.

He could not put his finger on it but there was something about it that felt so familiar.

His pace became more desperate as he neared it's source.

He paused at the entrance of the small holding cells beneath the Trencent manor.

The guards bowed their heads in respect upon noticing them.

"Who is in there?" Walter asked.

"The culprit who tried to kill the King, Commander." One of the guards replied slightly nervous to be in the presence of his superior.

Walter frowned but flicked his chin slightly indicating that they were to let him pass.

Walter became anxious as the doors began to open. A part of him knew who was singing but he did not want to believe it.

As he rounded the corner, his thoughts were confirmed.

There she was.

She had tear-stained cheeks and messy hair.

Her eyes were closed as she continued to sing. She had yet to notice his presence.

Walter could not believe it.

His little sister who he had been so desperately searching for was right in front of him.

So many thoughts rushed through his head.

He had so many questions and so much that he wanted to say all at once but all he managed to say in that very moment was one word.


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