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The horrors that knight continued to speak of would forever haunt King Aleric for the rest of his life. His heart shattered as he held his breath with each word spoken.

"Quite some time passed after that incident before the Countess Alvore ordered us to be stationed near the outer wall of the estate. She came with us," The knight let out a heavy breath, "The order was unusual but nevertheless we obliged. When we got there, we were instructed to remove a large shrub. Beneath the shrub there lay a drain. It was large enough for a person to fit through without any trouble. The grid was lose, but we weren't allowed to remove it."

Sir Codrin looked towards the Countess, "It was not long before movement was heard beneath the grid. It sounded like a person. It was. We instinctively drew our weapons ready to attack at the given command."

There was a brief pause as the knight recalled that day, "It was her. The girl from before again. She looked so startled; so afraid." Sir Codrin had a deep frown etched onto his lips, "The fear was understandable. She had been caught sneaking out of the estate and the woman who had caught her was someone who liked to inflict pain..."

"Continue." Louis's order was almost threatening.

"It felt like we were sneaking back into the manor as we took the girl to the wine cellar. There is a hidden compartment beneath; a trap door being the only entrance. We were ordered to push her in." The knight briefly paused allowing his words to settle in, "I did not see the girl until the twilight hours of the following morning. She was unconscious with tear-stained cheeks. It was not a pleasant sight, but I had orders to follow."

The knight looked at the Countess. Her hard gaze was daring him to continue; daring him to finish his testimony and face the consequences afterwards but Sir Codrin had come this far and would not stop. He was a man of honour and would not be forced into submission and lie when it came to revealing the truth.

"We place the girl in a large wooden chest. I had been ordered to discretely organise a carriage and coachman; something with no attachments to the Alvore name. We secured the chest on the back and sent the coachman off. That was the last time I ever laid eyes upon the young miss."

The knight stood back. He had completed his task of revealing the truth. It was not an easy thing to do as he not only betrayed his loyalty to the Alvores but he had broken his oath to protect and serve all members of the house. He was now no honourable man and really wished that King Aleric would reconsider his proposal to be stripped of his title and duties.

"The defence may now speak." Louis's words were cold as he directed them to the Countess Alvore and her daughter Sibyl Alvore.

"Everything that man said were lies!" Sibyl desperately shouted, her voice higher pitched than usual, "Erica abandoned us. She wanted nothing to do with us when it was revealed to the family just how horrible she truly was."

"Enough." The Countess's tone was not loud, but it stopped Sibyl from spilling out her nonsense immediately, "All of the accusations and fabricated testimonies have been amusing."

Her sharp eyes moved from Louis and settled on Aleric, "I cannot believe for one moment that you would take the words of those lower than that of a noble. It is clear that there is a ploy to ruin the Alvore name."

She lifted her nose almost satisfied with the murmurs from the Court behind her, "I wish to understand why you would take the words of a knight who is quick to break his loyalty when it suits him, a coachman who only cares about the money involved and a physician who should have stopped his practice years ago due to his old age which is known to disrupt the mind, over me, a Countess who has never done wrong and maintained a clean reputation."

"You are saying that those who have testified cannot be accounted for due to the fact that you outrank them?" Louis was perplexed.

"You misunderstood. Merely stated why their testimonies cannot be believed."

Aleric narrowed his eyes. He knew what game that the Countess was playing at and was not amused. She was clever and cunning.

King Aleric knew what she was doing. She was trying to make the court second guess the trial and twist them to her side thus making Erica seem like the villain of the story.

Aleric had given the Countess and her daughter a trial as law dictates and because he was a fair King but the Countess had misjudged one thing, Aleric held the power to change the law at the flick of a finger.

It did not matter how much convincing she may do to the Court, King Aleric had the final say.

"May I speak?" A gentle voice came out. All eyes suddenly moved to the girl who stepped to the front. It was Georgie.

Aleric gave a subtle nod allowing her to proceed.

"I was told that there was no need for me to step forward today, but I know I must. I was once a servant to the Alvore household. That horrid woman blackmailed me into betraying my own friend, Erica."

"What words does a servant say except gossip and lies?" The Countess scoffed.

"Her words are backed by the Trencent house. I dare you to question them once again." Louis threatened suddenly defensive of Georgie.

The Countess wanted to roll her eyes, she could tell the young Trencent boy was madly in love. A stupid love but nevertheless she stood down. She would observe how this played out before making her next move.

"Erica became my friend and before I knew it, I was forced to hurt her. I did not know that it would lead to the Countess trying to kill her."

"You state these words as if you have proof." The Countess scoffed again.

"And you defend yourself as if you know you are guilty." Georgie spat.

The Countess rolled her eyes and before she could say anymore her daughter Sibyl decided to take that moment to interrupt.

"Mother is innocent. You are just some lowly servant girl who spreads her legs for any man who gives you attention. Disgusting."

"Enough Sibyl." Even the Countess knew that her words had gone too far but she was mildly interested in watching the reaction of the young Trencent heir.

She was not disappointed.

Louis was enraged but Georgie managed to calm him telling him not to fall for Sibyl's pathetic taunts.

"If you were her so called friend, why has it taken you so long to speak up. Ha! You are lying and that coward isn't even here to prove it." Sibyl ignored her mother and continued.

She had a point, Erica, the whole reason for the trail and supposed victim of these awful crimes was not present.

The court began to mummer, to gossip and make stories of where Erica was. It was strange and unheard of that the victim was not present. There must be a reason.

Unbeknownst to them, Erica entered that moment. Her footsteps were soft as she walked past the members of the court. They were too lost in their words to notice her.

She pushed forwards towards the front and stopped moments before the Countess or Sibyl could see her.

Aleric had noticed her the second that she appeared. His eyes were drawn to her and her gentle form.

He was upset that she had come. The girl was supposed to be in bed recovering from her fever yet here she stood in a simple gown, so plain and unnoticeable yet so elegant.

She took a deep breath and took another step forward. She was about to confront not only her horrid sister but the woman who had brought so much pain and agony to her, her biggest fear and nightmare.

"I am afraid you are mistaken. I am right here."

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