Q&A and Acknowledgements

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Hello my dearest readers and congratulations on making it to the end. This story has truly been a joy to write and with all the love and support that I have received, it just made it all the better.

I have read every comment and every message of support that you leave me and it honestly always brings a smile to my face.

Erica is the second story that I have completed and I really enjoyed writing it but it did after a while feel like it was dragging.

It was never supposed to be more than about 35 chapters long but here we are 85 chapters later. It is completely maddening.

I started writing this story back in June 2021 and just under two years later here we are with a complete novel.

A few little facts about this book:

1. Sorin's name was originally Borin but it was changed because I knew that he would be called Boring.

2. Walter was never meant to even be a character. It was supposed to just be Sibyl and Sorin as Erica's siblings.

3. The story was supposed to end when the Countess tried to have Erica killed. Aleric was supposed to find her as he embarked on an all out search.

4. This story was supposed to be written in first person but I changed my mind last minute. I wanted to test my strengths and try my hand at third. It has been difficult but very enjoyable. I was originally worried third person would not have as strong of an emotional impact as first but in a way it ended up doing more than just that.

5. I purposefully did not describe any of the characters key features (other than Ron with his grey eyes but that was just an Easter egg to my other story). I wanted you as a reader ro imagine the characters how you wished them to look. Truthfully I did not think Erica looked anything like the girl on the cover but my friend saw her that way so I left it. I am curious to know how you imagined them?

6. Each chapter of Erica was carefully planned. I had notes everywhere explaining and describing everything. It was chaos.

I would like to thank those few readers who have been with me since the beginning and waited patiently for updates

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I would like to thank those few readers who have been with me since the beginning and waited patiently for updates. You are all so amazing!!

All those other authors and readers who will only see this after binging this entire story in one go and did not have to wait for updates, you are thanked too.


Q&A: (ask away and I will answer)

1. Will there be a book 2?
- Yes and it already has chapters out. Well technically it's not really a book 2 as it follows a new character and is told in first person not third.

It's titled Smeared.

It can be read as a stand alone but it contains spoilers for Erica.

2. What inspired you to write this book?
- I won't lie but it definitely had something to do with Bridgeton as well as some poorly translated isekai manhwa.

3. Do you have any tips for writers who are just starting out writing larger stories? - fwwnobody
-Have a somewhat of a plan even if you decide to change it later. Work out the climax and potential ending before you even start. It helps trust me.

-Don't fret over the little details. It does not matter what the character is wearing or what they eat unless it's important to the plot or setting. Readers can fill in those details themselves.

-Write, write, write! Do not care or worry about how many reads you are getting, just write. Erica only hit its first 1K reads around chapter 19 and my first book only hit 1K around chapter 25.

-Consistency helps, trust me. I vowed when I began Erica to update weekly (not on a specific day because my schedule was unpredictable but still weekly) letting my readers know that allowed me to gain regulars who looked forward to updates. Sure every now and then I could not update due to personal reasons, but I always apologise to my readers.

-I can't think of any more at the moment but I feel like I've covered the main things.

4. Does Walter get a significant other? - fwwnobody
- I really want him to since he was my favourite character but unfortunately I did not have much time to think about it. Hopefully in Smeared there will be someone for him.

5. What happened to Sybil? - lunamoonblue
-Sibyl... Almost forgot about her. I might write about her in Smeared and if I do I will update this answer. Sibyl became a servant of the Palace starting off lowest of the low ranks and never achieved much more than that. She held a grudge against Erica and blamed her for all her misery.

EricaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora