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Suddenly Erica felt small. It felt like the world was trying to consume her and, in a way, she wished that it would.

Every person currently present in the Court room now had their eyes on her. They analysed her, watched her or observed her. She was the key player to the whole court case.

She needed to be strong. She had to do this.

She took a deep breath and was about to take another step forward on her now shaking legs but completely froze as her biggest nightmare began to turn.

It felt like time had slowed as the Countess' sharp eyes followed the sound of her voice and found her weak form. She could almost see the vile woman's lips twitch into a sly smile.

It was as if the Countess knew exactly how afraid Erica was in that moment and felt joy from her fear. The Countess knew she had the upper hand.

It is going to be okay. She cannot hurt you... Erica tried to reassure herself.

She looked up at Aleric as if to find the strength and suddenly a wave a calmness washed over her. His presence alone gave her strength, and his gentle gaze made her feel safe.

"You!" Sibyl screeched, "Why can't you just stay away. You always have to mess things up."

Erica's eyes moved away from the gorgeous king and onto the fuming Sibyl. Sibyl had always acted like a bully to her. She took her things and always found ways to belittle young Erica.

It seemed that she had not changed. Erica used to do her best to avoid her sister never wanting to bump into the unpredictable girl. She knew Sibyl never liked her, so she did her best to stay out of her way.

Erica had hoped that through the years Sibyl would have developed a level of maturity that any young lady was expected to especially one of nobility. She was disappointed that this seemed not to be the case.

"Finally, here to fight your own battles, Erica?" The Countess smiled but her smile was chilling as it was aimed to taunt her.

"All my life I have been hated by you... Why?" Erica fought her hardest to choke back her tears. She was in front of so many people; she couldn't allow herself to cry.

The Countess tilted her head at her watching the weak girl like a sly cat. To her Erica looked like a harmless mouse, too scared to anything and shaking in fear.

"Hate you?" The Countess rolled her eyes, "Whatever made you think that?"

"I-" Erica's voice began to clog, "You tried to kill me..."

"Oh?" The Countess raised her eyebrow.

"Yes." Erica shifted her feet upset at how the horrid woman was acting.

"And how did you come to that conclusion?" The Countess' eyes glinted. She knew exactly was she was doing; she was trying to get a rise out of Erica.

"The carriage." Erica frowned, "You locked me in a wooden chest and sent me to my death."

"Did I? Did you see me do that?" The Countess countered narrowing her eyes at Erica.

Erica was dumbfounded. She could not believe the Countess.

"No, I-"

"Exactly." The Countess cut her off and the turned to address the Court, "This girl is clearly delusional."

There was whispering amongst the Court and Erica began to get nervous. She was not used to confronting people, she especially could not handle confronting someone who knew that she was afraid. The Countess was no easy person.

"Are you denying the previous testimonies?" King Aleric tone was cold daring her to challenge him.

"Have I not been? It's clearly all lies. Lies concocted to make me the villain."

There was complete silence before laughter broke out. It was from one person and one person alone. The laughter made the many people present in the Court room freeze up due to its cold undertones.

It was from a very important Commander. A Commander who finally decided to make his presence known.


"Ah, Countess," He began through breaths, the Court did not miss how he addressed her, "You make me laugh. Now that everything is out in the open, you dare deny it and question His Majesty? Should we not remind you of the part where you tried to poison him?"

Walter made his way to the front settling beside Erica in an almost protective stance. He would not let anyone ever hurt Erica again. This time he would do his job as her brother and act as her shield.

"Poison?" The Countess scrunched her eyebrows together in a convincing act to feign innocence.

"Cut the act. We have questioned the staff from that night and happened to find one very important little detail," Walter frowned, "You made one mistake and that was the server."

As if on cue a man emerged and made his way to the front. He bowed at both the King and Louis and respectively acknowledged the other nobles present.

"You Majesty," The servant from the night of the Trencent ball began, "This servant begs you for mercy and forgiveness." He bowed again.

"There is nothing to forgive," King Aleric watched as the panicked servant began to pale, "For you did nothing wrong." He gave a small smile as the servant let out a deep breath of relief.

"I was unaware that the drink was spiked at the time." The servant twiddled his thumbs as he glanced nervously around, "The Countess requested that I bring the drink to the young miss over there." His gaze landed on Erica, his eyes were warm and apologetic.

"When Your Majesty took it and collapsed, I was made aware that the Countess had definitely done something to it. I did not believe for a second that it was merely an allergic reaction. So, I did some digging."

The servant reached into his pocket and pulled out a tiny metal trinket. It was so small that those present had to squint to see it, but it was clear what it was. It was a charm.

"I found this after all the commotion. It was there near where the Countess gave me the order." The servant handed the charm to Louis who held it to observe it, "It twists onto something and had clear indications of holding a liquid of some sort."

Louis gave the little charm to Ron who gently sniffed it, "Ah. Red leaf." Ron commented before handing it back, "A common plant found up north most often seen as a weed. Upon consumption it is known to cause severe diarrhoea. It is also known to be a common allergen amongst many."

"That is not mine." The Countess defended.

"Well let us prove it then." Louis scoffed and walked up to her. He checked her for any jewellery or anything that matched the charm. His gaze paused in the bracelet. She noticed and consciously tried to hide it.

With the nod of his head a guard took her arm and pulled it forward presenting her wrist to him. She tried to fight back but it was futile.

Louis slowly placed the charm back in its missing place on her bracelet. It was a perfect fit as it clicked in place.

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