chapter 1

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so i started another new story 😬 please tell me what you think 🤍


I found the gold with my best friends, John B and Pope. Screw that, they are my family. We each got 400 million dollars. I was so insanely rich.

We pawned the gold off and no one ever knew what happened. Pope was still going to college to be a doctor. John B decided he wanted to be a lawyer just so he could throw some people in jail. People like Ward and Rafe.

Me, I had zero interest in ever going back to school. I was rich as fuck and I wasn't about to waste it in school. I wanted to be smart, but I have so much cash it's a burning a hole right though my pocket.

I packed a bag and I got on a cruise ship. I just started traveling with nothing but a backpack. I've been traveling for five months now and let's just say I've doubled my body count and consumed all the fancy booze.

I was finally living life that way it was supposed to be lived. My thing was, I didn't change anything. I wore the same clothes and acted the exact same. I was determined to keep how much money I had a secret.

When people know you're rich, they start asking for things and asking for money. They pretend to be your friend or fall in love with you just to try to get some of that cash.

So I made up some rules for myself:

1. only hook ups - no relationships because I never want to share this money or worse, lose it to some girl

2. travel to as many countries as possible and never return to OBX

3. don't tell anyone about the gold money

4. find a way to make sure someone good gets whatever money is left when i'm gone

5. no marriage and no kids ever

I know, I'm usually not one for rules but this was different. I never plan on breaking these rules. I was living my life according to my own rules and it felt pretty damn good.

Kie's POV:

After graduating high school, I made a decision to take a gap year before attending UCLA. My best friend Sarah, is going to college in New York City right now. There is a part of me that feels like I'm missing out.

Since I'm a kook and I'm a trust fund baby, I'm taking time to travel the world. I've been to a few countries and I've been doing it for two months now.

I'll admit, it got lonely traveling alone sometimes. I've managed to meet some amazing people along the way. I had made up a list of rules/goals for myself:

1. experience everything and don't be scared to try something new

2. always say yes to plans

3. meet my soulmate

4. no hook ups - i'm looking for love, not a one night stand

5. be able to go back to OBX with incredible stories

I missed home a lot and I loved my life as a kook. I texted my parents as much as I could. They were so proud of me for doing this and supported me no matter what.

I was in Spain right now, staying at a hostel right on the coast. A hostel is similar to a hotel. It's a cheaper option where you can stay and usually share a room with strangers.

I was in a four person room. The girls name was Hannah and the boys name was Carl. They didn't know each other. Hannah has been here for two day, Carl one week. There was another guy here too, Hannah was telling me all about her hook up with him last night.

Apparently, he was the best she's ever been with and super hot. She said he made it clear it was just a one time thing. I was excited to meet this guy.

A few minutes later, in walks the one and only JJ Maybank. A pogue from OBX. The guy my ex-boyfriend Rafe hated and constantly fought.

He looked at me and I said, "JJ, I thought I left all the pogues back home in OBX"

"And I thought I left all the stuck up kooks too, looks like we're both disappointed" He said walking to his bed

"Fuck off and leave me alone"

"Mommas mad"  He said which caused Carl and Hannah to laugh

How the hell was JJ Maybank in Spain? There is no way he can afford this. This was interesting. I just hope he leaves me alone and we pretend like we don't know each other.

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