chapter 17

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Kie's POV:

My parents were confused as to why JJ was with me. They both hugged me and I said, "I've made the decision to take some time away from school. I'm going to go travel with JJ"

"Oh hell no!" Anna said

"Mom, I'm an adult. You can't tell me what to do anymore"

"Kiara, you are clearly still a child if you think this is a good idea. How are you planning on paying for it?"

"We will take care of it. I promise that I will take care of your daughter" JJ said stepping in

"Oh, that makes me feel so much better. A fucking pogue is going to be taking care of my baby" She said sarcastically

"Mom!" I yelled at her

"Anna, let her do what she wants. She is a grown woman" My dad finally said something

They helped me unpack my car and then JJ and I went to my room and I packed my bag to travel. We went to the airport that night and got on the first flight out of here. We were going to Kenya. I know, such a random choice but we were going on a safari.

Kenya was such a unique experience and really made me want to travel to more countries in Africa. All the locals seemed to love us. JJ and I were sitting outside our airbnb looking at all stars in the sky.

"It's so beautiful" I said looking at the stars

"Yeah, you are" JJ said looking at me which made me blush

He leaned over and gave me a quick kiss. He said, "I'm not good at this relationship thing. When I first started traveling, I promised myself I wouldn't fall in love or I wouldn't get into a relationship. I only wanted to do hookups. So I'm sorry if I say stupid shit like that..."

I cut him off and said, "J, I love it when you say stupid flirty shit. I want you to still be flirting with me when we're ninety years old"

"So you are in this for the long run?"

"Hell yeah, I'm not going anywhere. I love you and we have an epic love story and I can't wait to share it with our kids and take them back to our favorite places"

"I gotta be honest with you, Kie. I don't want to have kids, uhh, I mean not right now. It's not that I don't want kids, I'm just scared that I'm going to be a shitty father like my dad"

"That's okay, we don't have to even think about having kids right now. You are more than enough for me and if you don't want kids, we won't have kids. But, for what it's worth, you'd be a great dad"

"I love you and I can't wait to keep traveling the world with you" He said kissing me with tongue

We spent the next day mapping out our next adventure and travel plans. We went to a few more countries in Africa. We were currently in Madagascar when my phone had been blowing up. It was my dad. He said my mom got into a car accident and it was bad, really bad and they are doing surgery and putting her into a medically induced coma to allow her body to heal for a few days. 

I immediately told my dad that I would be home as soon as possible. I hung up the phone with him and was scrambling to find the next flight back home. JJ didn't know what my dad had said but he saw the panic after the call.

"Fuck, a last-minute ticket is over a grand. I can't afford this" I said starting to crying

"We'll figure it out, I've got it" He said taking my phone and booking the plane ticket

He started packing his stuff too and I asked, "You're coming with me?"

"Of course, I'm going with you. I'm not going to let you do this alone" He said and I hugged him as I know he didn't want to go back to the Outer Banks

We got to the airport and after some waiting, got on the plane. Once we were in the air, I rested my head on JJ's shoulder and said, "I know I fight with her all the time but what if she doesn't recover?"

"Your mom is tough, just like you. She'll be okay" He reassured me

He continued to keep me calm until I fell asleep. We landed in New York and went through customs and then we got on our next flight to North Carolina. I looked at JJ and said, "I know you hate being back home. If you don't want to stay, you don't have to."

"I'd do anything for you and I need to be back home with you right now" 

Once JJ and I got back, it was late and way past visiting hours. We showed up at my parent's house and my dad hugged me right away. I was exhausted from traveling and being stressed. My dad shook JJ's hand and thanked him for getting me home safely. 

"I'm exhausted, dad. We're going to bed" I said heading up to my room and grabbing JJ's hand

"Kiara, you know the rule about having boys in your room" My dad said and I did know the rule

"Fine, we'll just go sleep at the Chateau then" I said turning to head back to the front door

"Okay, but just for a few nights and you can't tell your mom"

JJ and I went up to my room and I took a shower and so did he. We both fell asleep almost instantly as we'd had the longest day of travel. When I woke up in the morning, JJ was already up and not in bed anymore. 

I went downstairs and he was making breakfast for me and my dad. My dad was sitting at the kitchen table talking to JJ. I ate quickly and then got dressed for the day. I could finally go see my mom.

My dad drove us all to the hospital and we stopped outside her room and JJ said, "I'll wait out here. I'll give you guys some space"

I went into her room with my dad and she was still in a coma. Her face was pretty bruised and her foot was in a big bandage as apparently she shattered it and had to have surgery. Her head also had a bandage on it as she had some bad cuts. 

My dad said, "Hi honey, Kiara is home and she's here to see you"

"Hi mommy" I said with tears in my eyes

My dad had to get to work so he left and I was alone. I see next to her bed and grabbed her hand and said, "I'm sorry for all of our fights and arguments over the stupidest shit ever. I know I haven't been the best daughter and I promise to do better. I just need you to be okay. I love you mom"

I sat there and I said, "You know, JJ is the one who got me home. He takes such good care of me, mom. You and dad raised me to be strong and independent and taught me to never settle. I know you don't like JJ and that you have a past with Luke, but he's nothing like his dad. JJ loves me, takes care of me, and cares so much about me. I don't care that he's a pogue, I love him. I know you know what it's like to love a pogue because you married dad and had me"

I talked to her for about twenty minutes and then the doctor came in and kicked me out so they could run some tests. I went to find JJ in the waiting room. He gave me a hug and sad, "It's all going to be okay"

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