chapter 14

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I spent the night with Kie in my room at the chateau. Things were kinda normal between us again. I missed her so much and she was leaving tomorrow to go back to school.

I wanted to tell her about the gold. The money. That she would never have to worry. But I didn't want her to be with me because of the money.

I spent all night trying to work up the courage to tell her that I loved her. I was finally able to do it at the airport.

She left and I could tell she was trying not to cry. I wanted to chase after her, but she made it clear many times she was done with whatever we had.

I thought she had forgiven me. I thought we moved on. Guess not. I went back to the chateau and packed my bag.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm getting on a plane to get the hell away from everything"

"Where are you going?"

"Don't know, any ideas?" I replied to Pope

"Finland" He said and I gave him the middle finger

"Yucatán" John B said and that's when I realized they had no idea what happened there

I kinda wanted to talk about it. But I couldn't. The only person I wanted to tell was Kie and that was over.

I went to the airport that night and got on a plane to Colorado. I was going to do some hiking and just clear my head. Besides, best part is that weed is legal there.

I fell back into my old ways. I had slept with two girls my first three days in the state. It didn't give me the high/adrenaline rush that it used to.

I had been in nature in the middle of nowhere for three weeks now. I finally got to a hotel and took a shower. I went on my phone and realized how miserable I was.

How could I be this miserable? I had a shit ton of money. I could do whatever I wanted. I went to the bar and got drunk. The cute girl came up to me and she was flirting. I wasn't interested. I ended up leaving and going to the airport and getting on a flight to Croatia.

I was hanging out on the beach. Looking at the water planning what adventures I could go on here.

Kie's POV:

I got back to school to start my Spring semester and I couldn't stop thinking about JJ. Suddenly, my dorm door opened and it was our resident director with Ashley and her parents.

"Kiara, this is your new roommate Ashley"

"What?" I asked in shock

Ashley played it off as we didn't know each other while she moved in. I left and came back a few hours later and her parents were gone and she was still unpacking.

"Why the fuck are you here at UCLA?" I asked

"I told you that I was going to school in California. I spent last semester with my sister and I'm starting this semester here. My parents live an hour away. Nice to see you too." She said super bitchy

I was so pissed she was here. Even though I believed JJ, it pissed me off that she would lie.

Cody came to visit and we went out on a few dates. We only kissed a few times. I ended things with him as it was just too much.

Spring break was coming up and I got an email from JJ. It was a plane ticket to Australia over my spring break. He had it all paid for. On the email it said:

I'll see you in Australia. Have a safe flight. John B and Pope are coming too so it won't be all awkward.

I froze. This has to be a prank or a joke. Plane tickets to Australia were not cheap. I didn't respond to the email for a few days until John B called me and asked if I got the tickets. I told him I did and he said him and Pope were going and they all really want me to go too.

I said I'd think about it and I called Sarah and caught her up on everything. Sarah and I were supposed to spend spring break in New York together.

She told me to go to Australia and she was going to her families house in the Bahamas with her sister.

Before I knew it, I was boarding a flight to Australia. I wished I wasn't flying alone for twenty-three hours. I slept and thought about what to say to JJ the whole way there.

He told me in a roundabout way that he loved me and I ignored it. What was I supposed to say? After what felt like forever, we landed and I met up with John B and Pope at the airport. They landed about twenty minutes before me.

We walked outside and got an uber to the address JJ texted us. It was some cute beach house right on the ocean.

John B knocked and JJ opened the door. He has the biggest smile on his face and he hugged John B and Pope and they went inside.

He shut the door behind them and he said, "You came"

"Of course, I did. It's our sixth continent"

"I heard you got a new roommate"

"Yeah, how do you know?"

"She sent me a few snaps. I haven't opened any from her lately. I'll let you open them and see what they are later tonight"

"Sounds good! Thanks again for all this. How much do I owe you?"

"Nothing" JJ smiled and he hugged me. I relaxed in his arms and we went inside and John B and Pope were literally bouncing off the walls.

"This place is fucking sick!" Pope said grabbing a beer

JJ brought me to my room and it had an incredible view of the ocean. We all went outside and drank a few beers. We were laughing and having fun and then I went to bed.

I took a shower and was laying in bed when there was a knock on the door. JJ came in and he laid down next to me and he opened up his snapchat.

"So we started snapping when we were with you. It was all super casual and mainly just talking here and there. This was all before Finland. I haven't said anything to her since she left. She snapped me a picture of the dorm room and I ignored it. She then sent me a picture of her in the shower and it said I wish you were here. I haven't opened the rest."

"You don't have to tell me. If you like her, I don't care."

"Kie, you know I don't. I want to be honest with you and I want you to trust that I'm in no way encouraging this"

I grabbed the phone and I unadded her and all the snaps went away. "I don't want to know what she sent you. She's a bitch and I can't wait for the semester to be over"

"Thank you for trusting me" He said

"I'm sorry I didn't before"

"You had every reason not to. I have the reputation. It looked exactly what you thought it would be. I do have a confession. I've been with a few people since Finland. Only two different girls. I was pissed and I went and got drunk for a few days. Have you been with anyone?"

"It's fine, you don't have to explain anything to me. It's not like we're dating. I dated Cody for a bit but ended things. It never got that serious."

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to be with anyone else. I keep fucking up at this."

"J, let's just go back to being friends. We'll start there, okay? See where things go"

"Okay" He smiled as he got up to leave

"You know we shared a bed before when we were friends. Will you stay?" I asked and a smile appeared on his face

"Of course" He said laying back down next to me

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