2. Pilgrims World

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"Yes! I got pilgrim world I do have natural people skills and a love of performing, so its kind of. The
obvi choice. What did you guys get?" Enid said excitedly.

"Well I got the Weathervane. Oh God, I need to stay with Tyler." Kate whined. My fists clenched at the mention of his name. "Can't I just die instead?"

I shake my head. "Not on my watch."
She turns to me smiling. I roll my eyes."Anyways, I got Uriahs Heap... whatever that is."

"Oh- thats a weird boring place full of creepy stuff. You might like it. Kate's been there last time...she seemed to like it." Enid shrugged.

"Yeah! There's dead stuff!" Kate said excitedly, making me laugh at Enids disgusted face.

Principal Weems walked towards us, smiling down at me. "Wednesday, don't worry about your cello...I'll have someone bring it for you. Oh and also, Kate...we will bring your keyboard as well. It's for the event, don't you worry, you'll both do great." That was all she said, before walking away.

I look at Kate as she looked back at me.

"I didn't know you could play the piano." I said, tilting my head.

She smiled. "How do you think I got so good with my fingers after all?~"

I cleared my throat, my face heating up a little. "A-anyways...do you know how to play Winter?"

"Of course I do, my love."

I nodded my head. This is gonna be fun.


"Enid, switch volunteer assignments." I hand Enid my paper but she looks at me confused.

"What? No, Uriahs Heap is definitely not my bag, Wednesday." Enid pushed my hand away.

"Its an emergency. I need to check out pilgrim world."

"But Wednesday, this is not a fair trade. Why would I agree to spend the entire day at some dumpy emporium of crapola?" She crossed her arms staring at me.

"Because i was thinking you might want to spend more time with your bestfriend, Yoko. Thing saw that she switched hers with some other student...but if you don't want to-"

"No way! Oh that's gonna be fun! Thank you!" Enid said before snatching my paper and running off giggling.


"Nobody's ever stood up for me before..." Eugene said as I helped him clean up. While I was walking around, I noticed the annoying pilgrim boys from the coffee shop, messing with him. I decided to step in and help Eugene, scaring the mistakes away.

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