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"Ugh," Sarah said as she led Banksie to her room and flopped down on her bed. "Topper is so annoying," she spoke, putting a hand to her head.

"Wha'd he do?" Banksie asked, standing at the foot of Sarah's bed.

"Don't worry," Sarah shrugged, sitting up to look at Banksie. "Anyway," Sarah said, crossing her legs and her hands going to her laps.

"I'm sorry," she said almost instantly, causing Banksie to raise a brow. "Okay," she trailed off. "I'm sorry that i used your actual name instead of your middle name," she said with a small smile.

Banksie watched her with her one eyebrow raised. "And, I shouldn't have done it, and I'm so–"

"Don't worry, it's not that deep,"

Sarah stopped and looked up at the girl. "What?"

"I said, don't worry, it's not–"

"Then why did you make it out to be?" Sarah asked.

Banksie shrugged. "Funny," he smiled.

Sarah scanned Banksie's face for any sort of truth or lie, her fingers fiddling with the hems of one of her bracelets before smiling and bursting out laughing.

"You made me think I fucked up!" Sarah laughed, putting her hands to her face.

Banksie grinned and sat on the bed with her, "Nah, you're all good," she grinned widely.


The sun was setting, and Sarah thought it'd be a good idea for Banksie to spend the night and probably spend the night on the boat that her father owned.

"You're still here?' Rafe asked with a roll of his eyes as he walked into the kitchen.

Banksie rolled her eyes, looking for a drink that took her fancy.

"Yes, Rafe," she nodded. "I'm spending the night," she said, picking up 3 cans of Dr. Pepper (you never know how many you need).

"Oh, joy!" He sang sarcastically, walking towards the pantry looking for something to eat.

She rolled her eyes, grabbing her phone from the counter and putting it in her back pocket.

"Goodbye, Rafe," she said.

Rafe moved his attention to Loey, watching the way she carried herself effortlessly.

Loey was pretty. He'd give her that, and he knew she knew that.

In his mind, no girl goes out of their way to get their nails done every month or so, get their hair done, wear all the jewellery in the world, make up always on... if they weren't 'decent' looking.

And the fact that she wore anything that suited her body that well, meant that she knew.... apparently.

And he wasn't blind. Everyone wanted at least a taste of Loey Banksie Pérez. She was stunning.

It made his anger boil, knowing that everyone had or has a crush on Loey.

"Goodbye, Loey," he smirked.

Banksie rolled her eyes, stepping out to the docks of where the Camerons kept their boat, meeting Sarah.

"What took you so long?" She asked, eyeing up the cans of Dr Pepper.

"Rafe," they both said in unison, Sarah answering her own question.

As they walked down, Sarah began to discuss the situation with Topper.

"And he was all like, 'but I'm your boyfriend, and he's a dirty pogue!' Blah blah blah, and then I was like–"

"Wait," Banksie said, cutting off Sarah, "sorry," she smiled. "But that's John B," she said, pointing.

John B did not look happy.

"Looks like someone's shit in his cereal..." Banksie began, trailing off.

"Hey, John B," Sarah and Banksie said in unison.

John B walked straight past them, not even sparing them a glance.

Sarah and Banksie looked at each other.

"John B?" Banksie said softly, making him stop in his tracks.

"Not even a 'hey, how you doin'?," Sarah asked. "Or 'kiss my ass'?" She asked.

John B kissed his teeth before stepping towards Sarah. "Your secrets safe with me?" He said, directing it towards Sarah, making Banksie scrunch her eyebrows.

"What secret are– oh, that secret," she smiled.

"I just got fired because of you." John B spat.

Banksie looked between the two, stepping back a bit. Somehow, she felt like she was third wheeling.

What the hell is happening?

Sarah's face dropped. "I know you can't imagine that but some people need jobs so they can eat," he said, moving closer to her face before sending the bag of chips flying out of Sarah's hand, and beginning to walk away.

"What the fuck?" Sarah said, raising her tone.

John B turned around, his body language laced with anger. "You are exactly who I thought you were, Sarah Cameron," he said, pointing a finger in her face, before directing his attention to Banksie.

"And you're no different hanging around with them, Loey." He spat. Before turning around quickly and letting his feet carry him away quickly.

"Asshole," Sarah asked, picking up the bag of chips.

"What secret was he talking about?" Banksie spoke.

"I caught him sneaking scuba gear back on the boat," she said. "I told him I wouldn't tell. And I didn't," she said.

"Then how did Ward find out?" Banksie asked.

"I honestly have no idea."

I guess you could say this is a filler since it's only like 900 words.

More Rafe content coming next chapter 💋💋

I really need to go get my hair done, but icba to go and book it 😃😃😃😃😃

I'm working a load next week, so I don't know much writing I'll get done, so I'm trying to get loads done on the weekend.

So, uh yeah.

See ya later 😘😘

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