Chapter 17 - Accept The Fact

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Rose Hastington

5 months later..

Feeling the cold wind hitting my face is just the best feeling ever when you're riding your bicycle around. I really love the feeling of it.

Parking my bike and locked it , I walked to the beach and just sit there admiring the view and the nice cold air. I smiled widely and I'm so happy that I can move on with life after 5 months moving here is just great.

I've been contacting my girls continously and they're so excited to hear the gender of Sophia's child. We all waiting for that too , we've been talking continuosly and thank God they never mention abot Max a bit. I'm so grateful to have a friend like them.

Luke often checking on me and just visit me , he never mention about Max too. Austin has been a really good friend lately and I told him that I don't need his help cause I decided to move to Brighton.

There's a cute guy that I met when I'm on my way to work , I met him because he's walking his black lab dog. His dog apparently ran away and caught it in time by luring it some snack.

We already date 4 times and he's fun and understanding guy. He's like a complete package of perfect guy and don't forget that he's handsome. Oh.. his name is Kevin Doplez.

Putting on my earphones on me ear and start playing Side to Side by Ariana Grande , the best music for chillin by the sea. Oh right I have to buy some groceries , I have literally nothing on my fridge.

Listening to a couple of music and just enjoying the view , I even think that I wanted to move here for good but I remembered my family. I can't just move here , I don't want to be selfish. I need a healing time so that's why I'm here

I stood up and walked back to my bike , I have to go to back home first and take my car to go groceries shopping. I won't be able to carry so much stuff with a bicycle so the best way is that I have to take my car

As I got home , I walked in and drink a hot water cause it's so cold outside so I might even get cold because of it. After drinking it , I walked to my car and go to the groceries shop.

As I drive there , I'm thinking what things should I get. Damn it! I'm that person when I don't write thing that I need so I tend to forget it.

Sugar? Salt? Oh! I wanted to bake some cupcakes , last time I make it. It's not back perfectly. I need to buy some ingredients for that. Kevin said he likes my mushroom soup so I'd love to make that again for him.

As I arrived at the market , my phone rings and it's Luke.

"Yes brother?" I answered

"How are you doing?"

"I'm good , I'm groceries shopping now. I have a really empty fridge situation" I chuckled lightly

"Typical Rose"

"So what's up brother?"

"Just asking" He said in a nervous tone

"I know you're to something" I said as I take a cart inside the market.

"Just nothing.. I miss you. So your big brother is missing you.." I laughed hearing him said that he misses me. He rarely say that , he's a guy with pride. He never said something like this so straight forward before

"Awww I miss you too Luke.. that's so sweet of you"

"Mom miss you"

"I always call her everynight Luke" I rolled my eyes

"Yeah whatever" Back to the old Luke again

"So do you have anything to say again?" I asked

"Nothing" I know there is something in his voice but I just can't ask him again. He will get annoy

"Okay then.. bye Luky" I chuckled

"Bye ugly" He ended the call and I put my phone back to my bag. I smiled and just stroll around. Taking that I need to buy randomly. I need to buy some flour.. I wanted to make some new recipe these days and flour is my main ingredient. I'll just take the 5 kgs flour then.. let's see where are they..

Getting on the flour and baking section , I looked around to see where is the flour.. where is it ah! I smiled and walked to see the flour on the top of the shelf. I'm trying to reach it but damn my height is just not good for this. I looked for something to step on.

I tried to reach it again and I got the corner of the package and not it's time to pull it and catch it. I pulled it slowly until someone reach it for me. He pulled it and taking it down for me.

"Thank-" I looked up to thank the person but instead of thanking him. I looked at him with hate and hurt. How dare he show up here again after what he did to me!

Not bothering to take the flour , I just turn my body pushing the trolley away.

"Rose" I heard he's calling my name , looking at him again after all this months still got my heart beating so fast. All my system are not functioning well when he's around. It's always been like that and until now when I'm so hard trying to move on. He's still the kind of my heart

"Rose" He hold my right arm and I pulled it away from his grip and pushed the trolley again. I don't want to talk to him and he has to keep his promise about letting me go if he hurt me one more time

"Rose let's talk" He said in a firm tone and I just ignore him

"Rose listen to me" He stopped me again but pulling my arm and towering me with his height. I looked up to him

"I don't want to hear it , go fuck some girls who want to hear all your bullshits" I said coldly and looked straight into his blue eyes that shows hurt and sadness. My heart is made of steel now , i'm not going to cry for this bastard again.

"Rose look I'm sorry"

"Okay.. you can go" I said lightly like I'm mocking him. He hates when someone is disrespectful to him and now all I want is to make him mad.

"I'm sorry Rose" He stopped me again

"Keep your promise Max , let me go. Swallow the fact that I'm moving on"

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