Chapter 27 - Missing Piece

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Maximillion Cesantio

Closing my eyes really tight because I'm so tired these days. Work got me like this , I rarely sleep these days because I have a weird insomnia. My work is piling and it's not getting better.

Leaning back to the chair and take a really deep breath

"Mr. Cesantio , would you like wine?" I opened my eyes to see a beautiful airstewardess smiling at me , she's batting her eyelashes. I just gestured her to go. Taking my phone out from my inner blazer and press the home button.

Smiling just because looking at the wallpaper , Rose looked really beautiful herr. Her hair is all tie up to the back and her smile is just perfect. How can I let this girl down? I'm really stupid. I never stop blaming myself about losing her.

I kept going back to Brighton just to stalk her , take a photo of her secretly and hid myself with hoddie , hat and sunglasses. I even wore wig 3 times. It's hard but that's the only way for me to see her. Missing her but can't reach her is the most difficult and stressing situation.

When I'm sick working and missing her so badly , I will go to Brighton secretly for 3 days or even 1 day just to see her beautiful smile. Call me stalker.. but I don't care.

There's so many aspect why I change..

The loneliness that I felt , the guilt , the love that she gave and just when she left me.. it's the most painful moment but I deserves it. I was a jerk , I was an asshole , I was a manwhore and everything like that. I never slept with any girls again and even change my secretary from women to man. I hate it but I have to do it.

Suddenly I felt nothing when I saw beautiful girls hitting on me or hinting me that they want more.. I felt nothing. Weird but it's all start around a year and a half ago when Rose left me for good. She doesn't give me any chance and just ask me to let her go completely.

She asked me not to contact her , meet her and even to stop trying. I saw her heart break and that make me hurt more because I know I'm the one who cause that.

Seeing her date Kevin guy is not making me feel better by seeing her smile starting to appear. Knowing that I'm not the reason she's smiling is just breaking me too but this is the curse of hurting her for 11 years.

I'm starting yo get crazy when I miss her. I'll just stare at her photos for hours without getting bored. I even go there to see her secretly but I can't even reach her to kiss or hug.

Missing piece.. that what she is..

I want to fight for her but she's hurting so I can't force her. She asked me to be friends and maybe say hi to each other when we accidently meet but I don't want that. I love her and it will hurt me to see her as a friend..

Yes I love her.. but I'm too late

She's moving on and I still can't accept the fact that she's moving on to someone else. Be happy in someone else arms , be happy because someone else kiss her , give her surprises and just.. ah shit

I wanted to give her roses and just surprise her something but she asked me not to. She just asked me to left her alone and let her start a new chapter of life. I want to be happy for her but I just can't..

1 year after that incident still.. I can't be happy for her

I still want her for myself and no one else , I hate the fact that she hates me and not wanting to meet me again is hurting me. I deserve it.. 1 year is already been hell and it's torturing me enough.

"Sir we already landed" I looked to the airstewardess and nodded. Taking my small laptop bag and walked out from the plane. My driver already picked me up and I put everything on the back of the car.

Suddenly my phone vibrates and I looked at my message. It's Luke.

I've got the file

I just text him back to tell him that don't forget to send the copy to Alex. Should I fly to Brighton tonight? I miss Rose.. I miss her so much.. this is killing me

Suddenly I got a phone call.. it's from Alex

"Hey man.. How are you doing dude?" He said as I picked up

"Good and Luke already got the file.. as the copy from him" I said

"Got it.. are you free now? Are you still in Mexico?" He asked

"Just landed at New York , going to my office" I said

"Rose is in town" He announced , my lips turn into a big smile. My heart is suddenly nervous and just beating weirdly

"She and Luke just went home after picking up the file from your office" He added


"Isn't this your time to try to take her back?" He asked

"She doesn't like that idea" I sighed

"If I were you.. I don't care. You love her.. you want her back? Earn it Max , fix everything. Fill the time that you've been missing" I unconsiously shook my head

"She has a boyfriend Alex"

"Kevin and her never work" I heard Angel's voice behind

"They never work Max , why don't you try to take this opportunity?" Alex asked

"I don't think she-"

"Stop listen to what she says.. we're the 7 Gold Lifes.. we never listen to people Max"

"It's different dumbass.. I love her"

"You've change and now it's your time to show it to her.. don't rush everything , take it slow. Get to know her all over again" Alex said

"She hates me"

"She loved you.. she will never hate you that much" He stated weirdly

"Act as a friend first.. take time , take it slow. You'll never know what will come in front of you Max.." He added

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