Chapter 25 - No More Rose and Max

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Rose Hastington

"Let's bet" I looked at him disbelief , in this situation he want to have a bet with me? Crazy bastard

"No thanks.. I'm wasting my time meeting a man like you here" I said and taking my phone and wallet but Max hold my hand.

"Let's have a bet Rose.. if you win , I'll let you go this once but If I win you have to do anything I say" He hold my wrist tightly and I felt burn around my wrist because of his touch

"Do you think this is a joke?" I asked and he suddenly took something from his pocket. I saw the dice on his hand and I'm shock to see that he still has that dice.

"You know this right? You still remember it?" He asked and I just looked at him

"Pick it"

"Let me go" I pulled my hand but he keep my hand tightly , he pulled me so I sit next to him

"One until six , pick one. Like we usually do" He said and I sighed

"Four" I prayed that I'll win , he throw the dice in the air and it landed on the table but still spinning around. Suddenly it stops and show 5 , I lose

So this is our usual tradition when we have a bet , the thing is we have to pick a number and it's base on luck actually. If you pick 4 than you have to get 4. That's our bet and yes it's insane but that's our thing together

Call us weird..

"Six" He announced and throw the dice to the air. Pleaseplease.. it stops and it shows 2

"As usual , below or up?" He asked

"Below" It means if it shows below four it mea- wait shit.. he pick 6 , my eyes widen and turned to him but I already saw him smirking

"Shit! You know this will happen!" I bursted and he just shrugged

"You're the one who pick below love so.. I'm not the one to blame here" Oh freakin shoot , he throw the dice and it shows.. oh... crap... it's 5 , I saw Max have a really big smile plastered on his face

"Dang it" I cursed under my breath , he quickly throw the dice to the table and pleaseplease be six.. please.. my eyes widen as the dice stop. I looked at the dice and cursed a lot under my breath

"I win love" He announced happily and I sighed , I didn't say anything and just stare at that dice for a long time. He still has it.. I thought he lost it.

"Let's have a date" He stated and I shook my head

"I don't want it"

"Fair play love.. I win so you have to do anything what I want" He said proudly and I turned to him

"Max.. this isn't the time for us to joke around" I looked at him and said it calmly

"Until when you won't talk to me?" He asked still holding my hand

"There's no chance for you anymore.. stop trying" I pulled my hand but he hold it tightly

"What should I do to make you to forgive me? Tell me.. I'll do anything"

"Stop Max.. I had enough , please don't force me to go back to you again" I said and try to pull my hand again

"I'm a jerk , I really admit that. I admit that I was wrong in this situation but please I-.. I already change , I promise you I won-"


"The answer no Max.. there won't be a chance for you again" I shook my head

"Please.. I'll do anything. I swear this time I won't hurt you again. I love you" That make me turn to him

"What took you so long to say that? Why? I've waited that word for so long and you said it in this situation. You're so mean Max , you hurt me again and again. I forgive you but you betray me all over again"


"We're not meant to be together.. just there won't be any Max and Rose again in the future. We're done" I slowly pulled my hand and he let go , he looked at me

"Let's get married" He suddenly said and my eyes widen. I don't expect that coming

"No" I shook my head

"I'll do anything to make you forgive me and take me back Rose.. I swear I'll do anything" I looked into his eyes and I can't say anything right now

"Why? Why do you hurt me so much? Is my love not enough for you? I give you everything Max.. I give you everything why is it not enough for you?" I asked as tears filling my eyes and he quickly hug me. He stroke my hair slowly

"I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry Rose"

"You crush my heart , you step on it , you tear it and in the end you throw it away like it was nothing" I said as tears come out from my eyes

"I was insecure.. I'm not confident enough to make you happy Rose. I love you since the day I lay my eyes on you. Everything about you is just.. different. I felt your love everyday but it's me.. I'm not confident enough to show it.. to give you.. to make you happy. I never know what love is Rose"

"I had a rough life before and I just never felt love before , I grew up loveless and when suddenly you shower me with love and everything I felt weird because I never felt it before. I know you love me that much but I still sleep with other woman because I just.. I was a jerk , I know that hurt you but I.. I admit I'm wrong Rose , It's like I-"

"Didn't I told you to use me? I love you so much that I want to sacrifice everything but you jus-" I sobbed and he hold me tighter

"I know.. I'm sorry.. I just realize it now Rose , I'm sorry. Give me one more chance to show you that I've change , I've change and I want to start everything from the beginning and show you how much I love you. I'll make you happy.. I'll-"

"We're over Max.."

"Please don't say that Rose.. don't say that"

"I'm going to start a new life without you in it.. I'm moving on"

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