20 - Tuttugasta

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I watched as Sven handed the three objects to Jedrek. He looked at them as if he couldn't believe I actually got through this.

Alessio stepped forward and said, "Come on Rayne, let's get you to Jasper," he said. Sven nodded and I began to follow him.

My right ear was bleeding, my back was hurting a lot, and my legs were sore.

And you bruise like a peach.

And I bruise like a peach.

We made it back inside the building and we walked all the way to the end of the corridor again, this time turning left to a staircase.

As we started climbing, I realized my knees were pretty jammed and it took a lot of effort to make it all the way.

"Do you want me to carry you?" he said, grinning widely.

I really don't want anyone touching me right now.

"I'm fine," I said and climbed all the way to the first floor.

The corridor was similar and we walked to an open door. He took me inside where I saw a long structured room lined with small single beds along the wall. My three opponents were already lying on the beds closest to me, and Alessio took me to one next to them.

A beautiful slender woman ran from one to the other to patch them up while a middle-aged man made his way towards me.

"You beat 'em up pretty bad," he said laughing. "I'm surprised at how quickly you were done with the first task."


"I'm Jasper, Jedrek's older brother. I'm not really a doctor, but I studied medicine for four years before I had to drop out," he said, motioning me to lie down. "I'm the best you got."

He flashed me a smile.

His demeanor when compared to his brother was like the sky and earth. He was good looking and had a kind face.

He started to examine my wounds and said, "Your wounds aren't too severe, they can heal fine on their own, but I think it would be better if we got your ear stitched up. Just so it can heal right."

"Alessio, can you get the anesthetic from Bryony?" he said, pointing towards the woman who was tending to the silvertooth girl, as he looked through some drawers for supplies.

Alessio walked up to her and gestured with his hands in what looked like sign language. She took a small bottle and handed it to him.

"Bryony is Jasper's mate," said Alessio, returning to my bed with what was asked of him. "She helps him run the infirmary."

I saw her expertly move her fingers to wrap the girl's heavily bruised stomach.

"We'll need to give you some anesthesia," Jasper said from beside me.

I just nodded my head and saw him push the needle into my arm. My eyes started to droop pretty fast, and soon enough, I was out.


The first thing I sensed when I woke up was a scent.

His scent.

I couldn't find the strength to open my eyes and see. It was faint but it was my mate's so I could pick it up.

He was here?

What does that even mean? How could he be here?

The door opened and I could hear someone shuffling inside.

My heart rate picked up as his scent filled my senses and all I wanted was to open my eyes and see him. But as hard as I may try, I was paralysed. My body, unmoving.

He was here! But how could he be? I don't understand.

Suddenly I heard voices just outside the door. I don't even know if my bed-neighbors were still here or not.

But I couldn't smell him anymore, just like that he was gone, and the door opened.

"It wasn't me!" I heard Jasper whisper. It sounded like someone shut a window with force.

"I know they can get cold Bryony, but I didn't do it," he continued to say.

"I don't know who did it!" he was saying.

I figured Bryony was deaf and mute and poor Jasper probably still had the habit of saying his words aloud while gesturing to her.

"Yeah they're healing pretty well," he said. A soft hand touched my forehead, I think it was hers.

"Can you believe she beat all three of them?" he asked. Her hand left my skin and I don't know whether her answer was in my favor.

"Why do you think Sven was so intent on bringing her here?" I heard him say.

"They could be. But it doesn't seem like it. Maybe there's some other reason," I heard a chair scraping loudly on the floor.

I heard a "mph" from my right. Guess my bed-neighbors are still there.

"I'm sorry! Let's go back baby. I'm tired and they're all fine," he said and soon enough they were gone.

Their conversation almost made me forget that my mate was here. Almost.

Probably to check up on me.

But that leaves me with the question.

Is he a part of the Liet?

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