46 - Fjörutíu og Sex

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I couldn't move.

I was frozen and was hoping Bayo would forget what he saw but there was no way of that happening.

I couldn't move.

The pain in my thigh was immense, and even the slightest movement caused discomfort.

I couldn't move.

Bayo had come closer from behind me, his breath felt hot on my cool skin. I felt his canines drag along my neck, as lazily as his fingers were doing a minute ago.

"Why'd you have to lie?" he said.

I had no words. I couldn't tell him anything. All I could do was stay quiet. I never lied about anything.

"You're a spy aren't you? Your mate sent you to our band as his informant," he asked.

I didn't say anything.

I could feel the cold air rush to my skin as he lifted the blanket to let his hand inside. He touched the stab wound with a finger.

The slight touch hurt the sensitive area as he placed his finger there firmly.

My tears betrayed me as they rapidly fell. Still, I was unable to make a sound.

"Who is it? Who sent you here? Where did you come from?" he asked, the pressure on my wound increasing slightly with every question.

"I... I," a sob escaped my throat. I didn't have any answers for him.

"It's Sven isn't it?" he asked, his voice was a whisper now. I could feel the warmth of blood escaping my wound from underneath the medical dressing.

Never before had I felt so helpless, even the wound alone wasn't enough to stop me from fighting back. I'd been in worse situations than this.

But the sheer panic that ran through me had me unmoving, as if a boulder was pressed on top of me. Ima's words of encouragement soon turned to cries of help as she realized I was having one of my worst panic attacks.

"That fucking rat," he said.

"It's not... not him," I managed to say, my voice now hoarse from the tears. My thigh felt like it was being stabbed over and over, with every throb underneath his forceful finger.

"Then who?" he asked me.

"I... I don't know," I said, honestly, not knowing what else to say.

Bayo was quiet from behind me. I couldn't see his face, I couldn't tell what he was thinking.

Then I heard a laugh, a quiet, sinister laugh.

"Let's see if this will jog your memory," he said running his teeth along my mark, not hard enough to pierce through, but enough to make me tremble.

Just then, we heard voices right outside our door, and all I wanted to do was scream, but I couldn't.

Bayo had stopped moving as well, and thankfully removed his finger from my wound. But my panic did not subside as he still was close, probably waiting for whoever stood outside to leave.

But they didn't leave. The voices were loud and we could make out what they were saying.

"We weren't expecting you till tomorrow afternoon Alpha. Your room is already prepared though," I heard a voice say.

"Thank you Lachlan. I have some urgent matters to attend to and had to prepone my visit. Can we begin the meeting now?" another voice replied.

I felt Bayo move away and sit up, probably to hear better, although our werewolf hearing allowed us to hear just enough.

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