26 - Tuttugu og sex

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I was in the hospital bed again. I could tell by the sanitary-like smell that comes from hospital beds.

I opened my eyes and made to move, but my body was sore, and my back hurt again.

I wasn't in a state to actually think about the oddness of the situation, I felt absolutely exhausted. Even though all I seem to be doing is sleep.

I gave up trying to move and plopped down on the pillow.

Not a good move. My head started throbbing again.

But I felt something cool move on my neck. With groggy fingers I touched the object and opened my eyes in surprise.

What in the world?

I opened my eyes and looked down in my hand to find the gold spherical pendant.

Wait a second. What's happening? Where's Sven?

I needed answers.

I pushed myself up again, it took less effort than last time. I planted my feet on the floor and got out of bed.

It was difficult to walk, but I just needed to find the right rhythm.

I finally reached the door and opened it. The hallway was empty.

And it seemed like as if I was the only one on the floor.

I went towards the end of the hallway, and found the staircase. Never have I been as intimidated by a flight of stairs as I was now.

After an excruciatingly long time, I made it on the ground floor.

I could hear voices coming from the common room, the one with the large double doors.

Without thinking, I pushed open the door and walked inside.

The entire Liet band was there, obviously now stunned and unmoving.

"Rayne," I heard Sven's voice. It was his voice. Not the hoarse, barely-able-to-talk voice.

It was him. He was fine. Not a scratch, not a bruise.

I squinted my eyes at him. I then sighed.

"You're okay," I said, and sat down on an empty chair. Standing, alone was a chore.

Maybe it was just a dream.

"You shouldn't be out of bed yet," I heard Jasper say.

I couldn't see Jedrek here.

I looked up at him. "I'm sorry, just had a bad dream, is all. I thought I'd go find somebody."

"Aww our warrior is afraid of a little nightmare?" said Alessio.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"It seemed so real," I said, more to myself.

I looked up to find everyone in the room looking back at me. As if, studying me.

Sven just smiled. It wasn't his usual I-know-everything-you-don't smirk. It was an I-know-everything-you-don't smile.

Annoying still.

I looked around to see the girl from last night, my first opponent. She was just fidgeting with her fingers. I could still make out the bruises on her.

"Hey," I said. She looked up, and was surprised to see I called out to her.

"Thanks for this," I said to her, pointing at the pendant.

She smiled and said, "You earned it Rayne."

Huh. So it was a dream after all.

The silvertooth girl, Agatha, came forward to face me with crossed arms.

I think she hates me.

"Give her some time Ag," said Sven.

I looked at Sven questioningly.

Time for what?

She seemed to ignore him as she looked straight at me and said,

"We have decided what we want from you."

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