35 - þrjátíu og Fimm

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After we were all done eating, and making some light conversation, I said goodbye to Katryn who was eyeing my entourage a little suspiciously.

I knew she was feeling uneasy about the fact that I suddenly had so many "friends", one of whom was a grown man, and she treated me like she would probably treat Blakely, as one of her own. So her concern was obvious, but I guess I'd have to leave her at this time with all her unanswered questions.

We had made our way to the car and were now finally headed north towards Galloway. It was a six hour drive and I was told by May that we'd have to make several stops in between and stay the night in the forest before everyone else headed back for the even longer ride back to the Dwelling.

I was okay with that. I took multiple naps during the long ride to find either Uriah or Sven driving. Jasper was awake every time, looking out the window, while May just used her phone.

I didn't know what Bayo did at the back as he seemed awfully quiet, and I was too tired to actually turn around and look.

After several gas stops and driver switches later, we seemed to enter an increasingly dense forest area where the road had become muddy and the trees were tall and dark.

I couldn't see much from where I was sitting, but something about the trees gave me strength.

The deep dark forest would be absolutely scary to humans, but I don't find it intimidating in the slightest. I feel the opposite in it actually, I feel alive.

It's been so long since I've been lost in a beautiful luscious forest such as this, I felt my anxiousness slowly melt away and my strength return.

Uriah was giving Sven directions as he made a slight turn and deviated from the makeshift road to finally stop the car in a clearing at a distance.

The clearing was quite small but big enough to accommodate the tents that had been brought.

Uriah and Sven set up the three tents while Bayo and Jasper carried the electric lamps out of the car.

It was warmer here than I had thought it'd be, but I still needed a second jacket to keep away the cold. It was tolerable enough to not need a fire.

As I walked to the car to get one, May walked my way.

"Hey Rayne," she said.

"Hi," I returned her smile.

"I've noticed you've been anxious about all this. I just wanted to say, you have nothing to worry about, just go through with the plan and you'll be fine," she said. Something about her tone didn't sit well with me.

"Speaking of which," she continued. "I see that you haven't opened up to Bayo as much as you should have."

Excuse me?

"You know, given that you need to be 'mates' and all," she said making apostrophes with her fingers.

"I don't understand what you mean," I said.

"Well, play the part. You need to be more convincing. There's absolutely no chemistry-"

"Look. May. I know you're concerned, but I can't convince you that Bayo and I are mates, because you know we're not. I'll 'play the part' when I get there," I told her, more stern than I would like.

She just shrugged and raised her hands in surrender.

"I know, I know. But I can't expect much from him when it comes to this. I know he'll be able to put forth a good point, but chemistry, I hope you can pull it off. Or else the entire operation will be jeopardized," she said.

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