Chapter 11- The Demon King

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If she was dead, why the hell did it still hurt so much?!

"It hurts that bad?"

"...who... are you?" Xiu Xiang managed to gasp through coughs and blood.

"Aye, poor girl. So young and already on the verge of death."

Xiu Xiang was already in a lot of pain and this person had to sound so sarcastic. If her entire body wasn't broken in a million places, she'd get up right now and beat the crap out of him.

"Haha. You've got guts. On the verge of death and still so stubborn. I like it."

"Screw you...asshole!" she choked out.

"I can save you, you know."

Like hell, she'll believe that!

She knew fully well what was coming next. This voice belonged to the soul of the Demon King. The Demoness in the original novel gave in to her hatred and let the Demon King's soul take over her body. Her body then ended up reviving on its own and after ten years, she was able to escape the abyss to take revenge.

When she had fallen off the cliff, she told herself she'd turn into the Demoness but did she really want the soul of some conceited turd take over her body?

"I'd rather die..." she gasped. She could feel her life slowly fading away. Her breaths were shallow, her body weak, and her mind was slipping. She was suddenly regretting so many things.

She should've read more web novels. Would it have helped her escaped this situation?

Why didn't she confess to that hot coworker of hers?

She hasn't even met her celebrity crush Xiao Zhan!

She didn't even get to eat a full meal before dying!

As she thought about food, her mind drifted off to Wei Xing. When he woke up to find her missing, would he worry? Did he find the fish and water, she left him?

"Annoying girl. Here I am offering to save you and you're willing to die?"


"You really are stupid. Are descendants of phoenixes this stupid?"

Huh? Descendants of phoenixes? Did she hear him right? She's a descendant of... flaming birds?

"Aiya. Stupid girl. If you were a normal human being, you'd be long dead before you even fell into this spiritual cave."

She suddenly remembered Wei Xing saying that she wasn't normal. She had assumed it was because she had taken over the Demoness's body that was half demon.

"Half demon? Haha! More like demon beast! What has the world come to since I've been sealed away?"

Xiu Xiang groaned in pain. She didn't want to talk to the Demon King anymore. She was so tired and in so much pain.

It hurts!

"Well, just die then."

She sneered at the voice. She will.

Her eyes slowly closed as her breathing slowed down even more.

Just watch, you stupid Demon King.

... Or at least she tried dying.

Xiu Xiang opened her eyes and found herself in a lush land of vegetation. Beautiful blossom trees surrounded her. Gorgeous mountains that looked like it had been ripped out of an artwork lie in the distance like a backdrop. A lovely waterfall fell from the mountains, creating thunderous but peaceful sound. The grass underneath her feet was as soft as cloud. The sky above her was a lovely bright blue.

"Is this heaven?" she thought.

"Of course, not, Stupid Girl. We're inside your mind. Quite beautiful, actually," came that arrogant voice.

Xiu Xiang whipped around to find a man in his late forties staring back at her with his hands behind his back. He was dressed in exquisite black robes. His hair was tied up in a bun adorned with a black pin and crown. What stood out wasn't his silver hair or bead but his blood red eyes.

If it had been anybody, they would've been scared stiff but Xiu Xiang found him quite comical.

"Demon King?" she asked sounding quite unsure.

He softly brushed his beard as he eyed her up and down.

"What a weak body. At least you have a good foundation. Thank your ancestors for that," he said as he circled her.

"You said that I'm a descendant of phoenixes? As in the colorful legendary birds with fire for tails?" she asked.

"No. You're the descendant of a pig," he replied sarcastically.

"Why, I outta--!" she charged at him with full force. She jabbed her fist forward only for the Demon King to easily block it with an open palm. Shocked at how fast he was, she instantly jumped into the air and swung her leg for a roundhouse kick. She was mere inches from hitting his face only for his arm to swing up in a flash to block it yet again.

"Not bad, Girl."

"The name is Xiu Xiang!" she snapped as she jumped back to avoid his attack. She sprang forward like a tiger ready to strike again only to hit thin air. The Demon King reappeared behind her and easily kicked her in the butt. Xiu Xiang was sent flying several yards.

"Ow..." She struggled to sit up as she glared up at the Demon King. "That hurt, asshole!"

A wave of laughter ripped out from within him as he heard her call him asshole.

"No one has ever dared insult this king!" he said as he turned serious. "I really like you. I'll accept you as my disciple."

"What?! No way!" she cried.

"You have the blood of a phoenix in you. You can't die so it means we're going to be stuck together for a very long time. Let's get along, Tu Er," he said mockingly.

"Don't call me that! You're not my master!" Xiu Xiang snapped. She got up to her feet and dusted off her butt. No sooner had she done that, the Demon King snapped his fingers and suddenly, her ankles and wrists feel heavy as if it had been shackled with iron that weighed a hundred pounds. She instantly planted face down from the transparent weight.

"What the hell did you do to me?" she screamed angrily.

"We'll start off with body training. As long as your body stays weak like this, you'll never escape this place," the Demon King stated.

"To hell with you!"

"Aw. How sweet but we're already in hell." A grin plastered on his already detestable face.

Xiu Xiang swore she was going to get strong. Strong enough so that she can rip him to shreds one day.

"Before you kill me, I suggest attempting to sit up first," he said as he turned his back on her to take a seat under one of the blossom trees.

He could even read her mind? She really was in hell and couldn't he warn her first about shackling her wrists and ankles? That freaking hurt!

I've Become the DemonessWhere stories live. Discover now