Chapter 41-Phoenix Lineage Awakens

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The sky was a murderous blood red. At the top of a mountain of corpse stood a slim woman in all black. Her dress billowed around her while her hair wisped like willow. Her glowing red eyes peered down at the surviving cultivators. In her hand was the head Wei Xing. Her bright red lips stretched into a devious grin then she burst out into laughter. Her head was thrown back as her shoulders shook from her crazy laughter.

Among the surviving cultivators, Xiu Xiang watched in horror. She was on her knees and covered in blood. She watched helplessly with the rest of the righteous cultivators. They had failed. The Demoness woke up and destroyed the world after she killed Wei Xing.

The Demoness's laugh pierced her ears. She wanted nothing more than to drown out that crazy laugh.

"No! Wei Xing!" Xiu Xiang woke up with a start. As soon as she sat up, she felt a wave of dizziness hit her. She tumbled over and nearly fell to the floor when a pair of arms caught her.

"My lord!"

Her eyes traveled up and landed on Hua Jian.

"Hua Jian...?" She checked her surroundings and realized that she was somewhere within the Night Palace. Her head pounded like crazy. Her body felt heavy and weak. She felt as if a two ton bulldozer had ran her over.

Hua Jian helped her lean against the bed frame and fell onto his feet.

"My lord! This subordinate has failed you!" Hua Jian exclaimed.

Xiu Xiang was in the middle of massaging the temples of her forehead when she heard Hua Jian's statement. She froze for a moment then looked down at Hua Jian whose head was lowered like he dared not to look at her.

Her brows furrowed deeply at Hua Jian's action.

"Hua Jian, when did you turn so meek? You're even prostrating before me. Get up. You're an embarrassment to the Demon Clan," Xiu Xiang stated.

He looked up with tear eyes.

"My lord, it really is you! You haven't changed one bit!" he cried.

Did he purposely do that just to hear her insult him? When did he turn into a masochist?

"How did I get here?" Xiu Xiang asked.

"The new Demon Lord brought you back," Hua Jian answered. The moment he mentioned Wei Xing, his face darkened. He suddenly remembered how Wei Xing had treated her and he suddenly wanted to claw at his beautiful face.

"The new Demon Lord...? Wei Xing brought me back?" Xiu Xiang's eyes enlarged. It really was Wei Xing who had come to her rescue!

She threw her legs over the edge of the bed and rushed out of the room.

"My lord!" Hua Jian cried out but Xiu Xiang had already taken off.

Since he was the new Demon Lord, he was probably residing in her old room. She rushed off in that direction, gaining the attention of many guards. None of them bother to stop her. She assumed it was probably Hua Jian's orders.

Her legs nearly gave out on her but she kept running. After nearly dying for a second time, she didn't want to waste another minute. She just knew that she needed to see Wei Xing. It wasn't long until she arrived at the doors to Wei Xing's quarters. Having used up all of her spiritual energy, she ignored the painful throbbing inside of her. She could feel her spiritual energy slowly going in disarray. Even so, she wanted to see Wei Xing. The dream she had woken up from shook her greatly. Throwing the doors opened, she walked in. She didn't see Wei Xing and assumed he was in the bedroom. Her feet moved of its own accord.

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