Chapter 52-Heroine Vs Demoness

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Wei Xing didn't even get the chance to process what had happened when Xiu Xiang bolted out of the room. He was frozen on the spot, still thinking about how tasty her lips were and how soft her body was, fitting right against him. His body was ablaze, and he simply wanted nothing more than continue where he left off. It was like his throat was on fire and Xiu Xiang's body was the water that would only quench his thirst.

But no matter how much he was dying of thirst, he could not ignore that alarming fearful look on Xiu Xiang's face. It was as if she had accidentally caught a sneak peep at a vicious beast. He remembered kissing her in the past. She didn't react this harshly so why did she react like this? Didn't the two of them enjoy each other's embrace just seconds ago?

As a fool in love, Wei Xing didn't understand why Xiu Xiang had fled. Did the plan fail? He was sure that it didn't. He could only go to the one person who could teach him all this.


A few demon guards' voices sounded from outside of the harem.

"Yes, my lord."

"Bring Hua Jian and the Night Guards to the main hall."


This wasn't good!

Xiu Xiang wanted to rip her hair out. What was she thinking? She nearly let herself get eaten! What was she doing with another person's man?!

I swear I'm not like that!

She finally came to a stop to catch her breath. After several bouts of breathing in and out, she finally looked up to see where she had arrived to. In front of her was an open entrance with a large signboard above it.

The sign above the entrance was carved out of silver. It still looked brand new as if someone had placed a spell on it to keep it looking pristine even after thousands of years.

"Nightless Courtyard..."

When Xiu Xiang ran away from the harem, she had let her legs do the thinking. Who would've thought that her legs had taken her all the way to the Nightless Courtyard?

She had read in old reports about this courtyard. Her late master had created this courtyard for his only consort. Of course, the consort wasn't named and even after the courtyard was finished building, no consort ever moved in.

In the past, Xiu Xiang never once came to this area. When she was the Demon Lord, she kept countless playmates within the harem but no consort, thus the courtyard remained empty even until now.

There were no guards watching the courtyard but it wasn't necessary for a barrier was erected where the entrance was. There was a strange red sheen to the barrier. It casted a red glow all around her. Now that she was here, she couldn't help her curiosity. She stepped forward to touch the barrier with her fingers. She had expected her finger to bounce back, only it didn't. The barrier trembled upon being touched. Then, it started to dissolve, starting at her fingers. It dissolved faster and faster until it disappeared completely.

She had only taken a few steps when she stopped to take in the sight before her. In the Demon Realm, it was impossible for plants to grow, however within the courtyard, it was abundant in multitudes of plants. She couldn't help but reach out to touch some of them only for her hand to go right through it.

"An illusion..." she thought.

Up in the sky was even an illusion of a full moon. It lit up the beautiful garden. Her eyes swept up the scenery and she couldn't help but marvel at the sight. It was a specially made moonlit garden.

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