Chapter 30-Have you Fallen for Me?

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Leave him?

The way he had spoken to her was like that of a lover.

Xiu Xiang may not be experienced when it comes to love, but she wasn't stupid. This man held some affection for her.

Why? Wasn't he in love with Bai Qing? Isn't that why he agreed to marry her?

Many questions swirled her mind. A strange foreign feeling settled in her heart and she felt it race. She wasn't sure if she liked this feeling or not. All she knew was that her face was burning and wanted to escape his hold.

"Let go," she told him.


"Let go!" Xiu Xiang's struggles were feeble and weak compared to Wei Xing's strong embrace.

It didn't last long because the two of them heard a loud cough behind them. They both looked over and found that Hua Jian had finally gotten up to his feet. He grinned like an idiot, pointing one finger at them while attempting to hide his grin with his free hand.

As if Wei Xing realized that what they were doing was extremely embarrassing, he finally let Xiu Xiang go. Her legs were wobbly once her support from him was gone and was easily captured in Wei Xing's arms again.

"Hua Jian, come over here," Xiu Xiang ordered. She didn't want to linger near Wei Xing. Her heart thumped rapidly and she feared that her heart might explode. Hua Jian had only taken a few steps forward when he stopped. Wei Xing had glared viciously at him, forcing him to come to a stop.

"Hua Jian, are you ignoring my orders?" Xiu Xiang raged.

Hua Jian eyed them back and forth and then said, "One bites and the other barks. Aiya..."

Xiu Xiang looked up at Wei Xing and the two of them locked eyes. Seeing his clear dark eyes that seemed to pierce right into her soul, she quickly looked away.

"I'll take you back to your quarters," Wei Xing said. He slipped an arm under her legs and waist then carried her off before she could protest, leaving an injured Hua Jian baffled.

After much argument and protests, Xiu Xiang was finally carried into her room. Wei Xing placed her gently on the bed and sat down next to her.

"You can leave now," Xiu Xiang ordered but Wei Xing didn't budge. It was as if he wasn't even listening. He grabbed her hand, causing Xiu Xiang to flinch. She tried to pull away, but Wei Xing wouldn't have it.

"You've lost a lot of energy. Let me help you," Wei Xing said harshly. He gripped her hand tightly, refusing to let her pull away. Almost immediately, she felt a warmth pass through from his hand to hers. The warmth spread throughout her body, making her feel extremely comfortable. Without realizing it, she had already eased back into her pillow, on the verge of falling asleep.

Now that her mind was cleared up, she suddenly wondered how Wei Xing escaped the harem. He even managed to find her in the large dark Demon Realm. She was just about to ask when Wei Xing spoke up, "Why must you free the Demon King's soul?"

"Because I owe the Demon King a debt of gratitude and..." I want to live. Those last words nearly escaped her lips.

The golden restraints on her limbs were like a constant reminder of who she was and who Wei Xing was to her. She quickly pulled her hand away. The warmth disappeared and coldness seeped in.

"That's enough," she said sharply. The heartbeat slowed and she waved him off. "You can leave now."

She was about to turn in and sleep, but Wei Xing wouldn't have it. He grabbed her hand again and warmth filled her again. She tried to pull away but his strength was too great. Out of frustration she snapped.

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