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"I mean it's obvious, right?" John b asked. The pogues were all inside John b's van looking for more clues.

"It's possible, yeah" Summer agreed with him

"It could also be possible that you are concocting to help, you know, deal with your sad feels" Pope told him making Summer hit him in the back of his head. They should be helping John b, not making him sadder

"Pope bro, you know how I process my sad feels? Dank nugs and the stickiest of ickies, that's how I do it" JJ told him making Summer roll her eyes "Don't roll your eyes at me miss, we all know you just use retail therapy when you are sad" JJ told her

"You don't compain when I sugar mama you, JJ" she backfired

"I'm not concocting, okay? My dad's trying to give me a message" John b told them

"If it helps you believe, John b" Kie said

"Look I don't need a therapy session, okay? Look I'm not trippin' out" He said desperately because no one believed him

"It's okay to trip, bro, but-" JJ trailed but was interrupted by John b

"Look, my dad's missing okay? Missing. You don't know what it's like to have the closest person to you vanish and then have no idea what happened. Just wake up every morning wondering" John b rambled desperately, Summer smiled softly at him and placed a hand on his bicep in a reassuring manner

"It's been almost a year" Kie told the brunette boy

"Hey! He could have been kidnapped, that's definitely a possibility" JJ tried to cheer him up a bit

"Yeah, could be in a Soviet sub being interrogated be the KGB somewhere" Pope said now making Summer glare at him

"At you for you real, Pope?" She scoffed

"Uh...or Atlantis" JJ said making Summer roll her eyes

"Look, what do you think the message is?" Kie asked John b

"Readfield. Redfield lighthouse, my dad's favourite place" He said right when they passed the sign of the lighthouse

"Right. You're gonna post up and look for bogeys, okay?" John b told JJ as they all got out the van

"Wait, why me?" JJ asked him

"You are totally not coming, J" Summer chuckled

"Why?" The blond boy asked

"Look JJ there are dependent and independent variables and you are an independent one, we don't know what you'll do" Pope told him and they started an argument

"Shut up! Listen to me for a second. Pope and Kie you stay here on lookout with JJ and if we split up we meet at JJ's house, okay?" John b instructed walking up to Summer and putting and arm around her. She was the only one he wanted to go with him up the lighthouse.

"Later losers!" Summe waved at them as she and John b left

"Oh c'mon you are only going 'cause he wants to fuck you" she heard JJ yell making her laugh

• • •

"So whatever we find is good?" Summer asked John b as they climbed up the stairs

"Yeah" he looked back at her

"Okay...so this place is not creepy at all" she said looking around

"Are you scared, Summer?" Johb b taunted her

"I just want you to hold my hand, JB. Can't you take a hint?" She answered playfully

"Oh! I'll gladly do that" John b smiled holding out a hand for her to take, which she gladly did

summer | john bWhere stories live. Discover now