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Outer Banks
Episode 1: PILOT

as the door opened they expected something more but a simple motel room was what they got, john b looked around and his eyes spotted a bag.

"check the bag," he said to JJ, who saluted him with a 'yes captain' and walked to the bag. he looked at Ren and pulled her inside, closing the door behind them.

"see if there's a name on there somewhere," he added

"i found a map thingy, maybe this is where they were fishing?" ren said boy nobody seemed to hear her.

"i got a jacket,"

"denim slides,"

john b and jj muttered.

"no name on the jacket," JJ said "it's a nice jacket tho," he muttered

"definitely over 50, he's got new balances," john b said which made ren chuckle.

"yo dude come here, maybe this is where they were fishing?" jj asked

"i mean i did say that but ok sure!" ren sarcastically said.

"No, that's off the continental shelf. that's big swell, nobody fishes there," john b said as ren walked into the bathroom.

"standard, tissues for when you get lonely," jj said in a horrible british accent

"so your everyday necessity?" ren asked from the bathroom until something caught her eye, a dopp kit,
"awh cool!" she exclaimed.

"did you find anything?" john b asked as jj walked in the bathroom

"oh yeah! a really awesome dopp kit you won't let us steal," jj sadly sighed,

"yeah because we're not stealing shit." john b said.

"asshole," ren whispered to herself as she saw jj slip the kit into his pockets,
"j?" she asked quietly but the only response she got was a smirk and jj putting his finger to his lips not to tell anyone.

they walked out of the bathroom to find john b messing around with the buttons on this safe, as he muttered the numbers he was typing in,

"yeah, punching shit at random, that will definitely work," ren patted him on the shoulder.

"wait a second wait a second wait!" he got up and brought over a code as jj was talking to himself about the map.

"ren! try six, one, six, six, six!" john b said to ren who put in the numbers quickly,

as the safe beeped green to show it was open john b pushed past her to open it, and when he did, in the safe was, money, a lot of money and a gun.

"oh my god" john b muttered as ren just kept staring at the money.

john b grabbed a little of the money as ren picked up the gun,

"what are you - what are you doing?!" john b yelled, jj made his way over and when he saw the gun he snatched it out of ren's hands,

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