Chapter 5

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JJ was feeling terrible for what he had just said. His friends, well actually family according to him, were happy and that should be enough for him. But sometimes he felt really lonely. Not that if John B and Sarah were with then things would be different. Quite the opposite actually. Things would be worse for him. Then they would be two couples and him.

He moved past to the people dancing untill he reached the table with the drinks. He was immediately surrounded by lots of boys and girls with the same need as him, searching for something to help them have more fun. For most of the people there the drinks were not something for them to drink in order to cool down but something that would take their problems away. Yes they were just teens but that didn't mean much. No one could now what was going on in someone's life.

He grabbed a beer and started walking towards the fire. There was only one person. Maybe that person would like to be alone too but there was no other place for him to go. So he decided to ignore whoever that person was and go sit next to the fire.

"Hey. Do you mind sitting here too?" He asked trying to be as kind as he could. The last thing he wanted now was to get into trouble.

The girl sitting there turned her head to look at him. "Well even if I did mind the beach is not mine so you could sit either way..." She replied smiling to him. JJ was not expecting something more so he sat down next to her after he returned the smile.


One hour ago

"Rafe!" The girl ran towards her cousin who looked and smiled at her.

He was followed by other two guys who she didn't know. Both of them were really handsome the one had blonde hair, as pretty much everyone in this island and the other one was black with a pretty and expressive face.

"Hey I hope I wasn't too late..." The blonde boy laughed at her earning a deadly look from her. Growing up with an older brother and spending 10 whole summers hanging out with her older cousin she had learnt not to step back easily and not to let others making fun of her.

"Calm down cuz, Topper didn't mean to make you feel bad. It's just that most of people are showing up one hour later so you could say that you are half an hour early." Rafe put his arm around her shoulders making her following them.

"Ummm, would you mind introducing me to these guys?" She asked whispering to his ear.

Rafe immediately stopped and turn around so they came face to face with the two guys following them. "So he is Topper" and the he whispered to her "he used to date Sarah." Earning a surprising look from his cousin.

She didn't knew anything about Sarah's personal life for the past two years but she was pretty sure that guys like Topper weren't her type. She wasn't into blondies judging from her past choices making it easy for her who lived and breathed for them. The girl looked again at Topper maybe Sarah had found something about his personality but... She couldn't see anything attractive in it. Despite his good looks he wasn't that pretty inside.

"And he is Kelce, the best pal I could've asked for" he tapped him on the shoulder and the boy made a grin.

She didn't know his relationship with Sarah but Rafe seemed to like him a lot so he gave her a good first impression.

"And she is my cousin, the one I was talking you about." He lowered his voice for only her to hear him "are you single?" She let a laugh come out and nodded. "And she's single, if anyone's interested" she rolled her eyes and turn around to keep walking.

They reached the bence with the drinks and after they poured themselves went to sit on some chairs close to the, some kind of, stage.

"Where's James?" Rafe asked.

"I have no idea but he's probably home... I left before him" she said trying to hide her anger for what she had been told from James but Rafe seemed to understand it.

"Did anything happened?"

"Nothing important. You know how James and I are. Either always arguing or being the best siblings..." She replied staring at the people dancing.

The colourful lights mostly in purple shades were falling onto the dancers. Their bodies were moving nicely in the music's beat. She caught herself in awe of all this freedom. That's how she would explain this image. Freedom. People dancing like no one is watching, near the sea, surrounded by lots of others who could easily stare at them. But they didn't care. They were dancing and no one could stop them.

"I think I'm going to dance" the three boy turned their heads to look at her. She gave them a glance and stood up placing her cup on the sand and moved towards the people dancing.

She danced along to the music for ten minutes that felt like ten seconds to her. Maybe that's what freedom and excitement felt like.

She went to sit next to her cousin and his company. James had come too but she decided to drunk her anger and pretend that nothing had happened. She could forgive their loved ones really fast. They kept telling her that this was not a good thing but there's nothing she could do to change it. It was coming natural.

"We have to go... We'll see you later." Rafe stood up walking away from where they were sitting.

"Wait! Can't I come?"

Rafe looked at his cousin. He walked up to her and hold her shoulders "Look we'll be back in a minute. It's not that you're not allowed to come is more like you wouldn't want to." And he turned to leave followed by James, Topper and Kelce.

"Are you going to leave me here like that?? I don't know anyone!!"

"Find someone..." Topper said.

"Easy for you to say you asshole!!" She shouted at him. Everyone could say that they weren't going to get on well well with eachother.

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