Chapter 46

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The night had come. Wheezie's girlfriend was here something that made Wheezie leave Sophie alone in Sarah's room.

She took a look in the mirror. She was beautiful she was feeling pretty and she was feeling confident. But enough with the self admiration she thought and moved towards Sarah's closet. Maybe she had hidden something there. And by something she meant anything! Literally anything. Not that the recording wasn't already enough to prove that Ward was behind all of this but still.

The closet was filled with clothes. She looked inside their pockets, nothing. She went up to her desk, nothing. The shelves were she was putting her books was only filled with books that had nothing to do with the case. She let out a breath of disappointment and fell on Sarah's bed. And then she spotted something on the ceiling. She climbed on the chair and did her best to put out of the wooden ceiling a piece of paper that was stuck in between the woods.

"Wheezie, you're the only one who might notice this. I want you to know the truth I i don't get to see you again.

Our father murdered John B's father. His motive? Not getting enough money out of the gold they were looking. I found it Wheez! I did and he's going to take it from us.

That's the truth. I love you Wheezie."

Sophie finished reading it with teara in her eyes. That was it. She needed this. She exited making sure that she had locked behind her and moved towards the first floor.

"You look, nice." She heard a familiar voice and went to face JJ. Hus face was scarred.

"What happened?"

"I thought you were going to say you look nice as well." She rolled her eyes. "I fell on Kelce and Topper oh nd your brother. They're blaming me for Rafe apparently.

Sophie took him from the hand. "Follow me."


"Wait here. Don't even think of moving!" Sophie said to JJ after they had entered the guest room. She said it as an order but both of them knew very well that this was the only way for her to say that she wanted him to be safe. He shook his head and lied on his back staring at the ceiling. The door was locked and Sophie's footsteps started fading.

What was he thinking? Why had he appeared at Midsummers? Why on earth had he decided to show up all of a sudden without a cover? And if he wanted to appear, why hasn't he asked either Kiara to invite him, or Pope's father to take him as an "assistant".

The door opened and Sophie stormed into the room after locking the door again. On her hands she was holding a first aid kit. "Okay, let me see your face" she said in a much calmer tone than the one she had used for her previous words. JJ sat and looked at the girl. His lip was cut as well as his eyebrow and blood was running from his cheek. There were some small bruises but that was the last think they would care about.

"You don't have to do this. I can do it for myself. Really! I mean my hands are still fine. See?" He said smiling a little raising his hands for Sophie to see them. She shook her head in disagreement. There was no way letting him do that by himself. But every time she tried to touch the wound with the cotton the boy was pulling back or turning his head on the other side.

"Just stop..." she said trying not to laugh at how he was acting, it was more like trying to feed a baby that trying to take care of a 17 boy's wounds. "I'll do it..." and with these words she had positioned herself on JJ's lap with her knees settled on each side of his thighs, something that took him by surprise. He raised his glance to meet Sophie's. The girl observed for a minute his face. "Now, please stay calm."

The cotton touched his eyebrow and then his cheek making the boy feel more pain on his wounds. Yet that didn't stop him from continuing the eye contact. His arms wrapped around her lower back. Her eyes fell on his lips. She took a breath moving slowly the cotton to them. His eyes followed her example. It was now or never. Before she had managed to put the cotton away his wrap tightened bringing their bodies closer and then he closed the gap between their faces by linking their lips.

Sophie rested her one hand on his shoulder as the other was making its way through his blonde locks. She was waiting for this moment ever since he had appeared on her balcony around a week ago. The boy lowered his back lying on the sheets making her lie upon him. Their lips parted for a second just for them to fill their lungs with air and then they continued. The kiss was becoming deeper leaving behind its sensual character. It was growing more and more passionate.

JJ decided to take control and turned the girl making her look up to him. His arms were keeping him from falling on top of her while her's were placed behind his neck keeping him as close as she could.

"Is anybody here?"

JJ pulled back and looked down at Sophie who was half shocked from what had just happened half ready to bust into laughter from the awkwardness of the moment.

"Who the fuck is locking the guest rooms? Like what would someone steal from there?"

They exchanged a glance. Topper. He was probably looking for a place to sniff some drugs and since this room was locked he walked away. His footsteps were heard and after some seconds the had faded away.

"Maybe we should go..." Sophie said looking away from JJ, "come on, we'll find a way to sneak you out"

"Why don't WE sneak out? Bonnie?"

"That will definitely destroy my cover Clyde. Well, you know what? Okay. Let's go."

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