Chapter 35

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The first light of the day had made its appearance. Slowly sunshines were climbing the houses' walls and sneaking into the rooms. They were passing through the windows and balconies and drawing the furniture in their full of light hug on their passing.

The curtains started to shiver. A light breeze entered from the half opened leading to balcony door, filling the room with the summer aura.

JJ woke up with the smell of coconut coming from the girl's lying next to him curls. He looked at the clock. It was still early. He could stay a little bit longer. But then again he thought of doing the Pogues. One with Barry one with Sophie he hadn't seen them for a while. Plus he could finally be himself around them. Not that he had changed that much. He was still the funny one but now that they knew that their friends were alive they could act like they did before they went missing. He had to see him ever since the police station

He tightened his grip around Sophie's waist trying to enjoy the last seconds of this moment that was approaching the end with high speed. And then a thought passed JJ's mind. She wasn't going to stay here for ever. She would leave and return to her hometown. And why would she want to return with all these things happening at the moment. He couldn't do anything to do this from happening. He was getting already attached to her. This had to stop. She wasn't going to stay so he should stop relying on her too much.

He jumped off the bed and walked towards the door. He tried to open it as slowly as he could. Before shutting it close he turned his head to the bed where the girl was lying. She was smiling, either she had slept like that or she was dreaming of something making her smile. The boy smirked and walked out of the bedroom.


Sophie opened her eyes slowly trying not to get blinded by the light which was now spread all over the room. Flashbacks of last night played on her mind making her smile grew bigger. She turned to look if he was still there but all that she faced was the bedsheets twisted as an evidence that someone had slept in them. He had left but maybe it was for the better. After all she wasn't going to live here for ever. As soon as the summer came to an end she would return home.

She felt her stomach twisting from hunger and moved slowly to the kitchen on the  ground floor. To her disappointment she realized that they had nothing in the refrigerator. Of course they didn't have anything. With all this coming and going to Cameron's house and to police station to visit Rafe she didn't have time to buy anything. And she better not talk about James. He was all the time somewhere else. When they arrived they were convinced that they would eventually spend the whole summer together. Well who knew that they were mistaken.

Suddenly she heard knocking on her front door. Well James couldn't possibly be the one knocking -unless he was drunk or high and had forgotten that he had keys. But that wasn't feasible since he had spent the night elsewhere. Who would sleep with someone drunk and made?

Sophie eventually decided that the only way learning who was on her door was opening it. She looked her reflection on the reflecting surface of the refrigerator. Well it wasn't that bad. Even though she didn't really wanted to be seen on her to-sleep-shirt. But her curiosity grew bigger and drunk her willing to look good even in her own house.

She unlocked the door without second thought and opened it wide open. The old woman she had met some days ago on her way to Heyward's. She smiled politely at her.

"Good morning..."the girl began saying but she stopped as soon as she realized that she didn't know her name. The woman looked at the girl standing in front of her and smiled "My name is Jessica Bale, I forgot to introduce myself when we first met."

Sophie shook her head "Please, come in." Her eyes fell on the woman's hands holding a package. She didn't want to be to forward but if it was food this woman had saved her life for once more. The only thing someone could put in his mouth was either vodka mixed with lemonade, or lemonade, or water -of course. "Uhmm, would you like some help with this package?"

"Oh, yes thank you, it's for you actually. I made a lemon cake and I thought that I shouldn't come visit you with empty hands."

There are various kinds of joy. Such as the joy that comes from a surprise, or the one that comes from learning that someone you love loves you back. Yet now these things didn't matter to Sophie. The joy from covering your hunger was the best feeling in the world, well ay the moment at least.

"Thank you. Uhm would you mind opening it now?" Her mother would kill her if she learned about that. She always believed that if someone brings you something you shouldn't open it in front of them but only after they have left. And if that something was food you should definitely not eat it in front of them. It was like giving the impression that you're starving. Well at the moment she didn't really care. After all she was starving.

"Not at all my girl, that's why I brought it anyway! I'm sure that with all these things happening you don't have much of time to cook." She turned to look at the woman. What did she know exactly and was saying that? She was grateful for her gesture but confused as well. "I learnt about Rafe. It must have been difficult for you judging how close you were when you were kids."

Sophie nodded in agreement. She was right, it was difficult for her. "Please through here, let's go sit on the back yard. It's not so hot there."

After they sat down Sophie opened the box and poured lemonade in two glasses which she had brought from the kitchen.

"I think it's time you learn about what happened last summer." Jessica said catching immediately Sophie's attention and causing her to put back into her plate the piece of cake she had just lifted to eat. "And since no one is trekking you I think I'll be the one who will."

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