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song: 'don't speak - epic trailer version' by hidden citizens

- present day -

"What I'm saying is, college isn't the be all and end all Pope." Genevieve said with a groan as she lay down on the sand. It was a cool, summer's evening and Genevieve and her friends were at yet another kegger. Some things never change.

"Come on Topper, it'll be fun!" Sarah Cameron said, pulling her boyfriend by the arm towards the kegger. As they drew nearer, the noise became louder and the smell of the ocean became stronger. Topper did not want to go. This beach held too many memories, painful memories. The sound of his girl's laughter rang throughout his head, and his girl was not Sarah.

"I know that, but I just think that a girl with your brains should be at least considering it! How are you so chill about having absolutely no idea about your future?" Pope exclaimed, looking down at the brunette whose hazel eyes were closed and red lips pursed in annoyance.

Topper sighed as he followed a giddy Sarah onto the beach, his eyes darting around desperately for the girl whose heart he broke last summer. The beach was bursting with people. He was not expecting a crowd this big. He was never going to find her. He sighed. "Sarah, wait up!"

"Because, the future is uncertain. One day, your mom is alive and the next day, she's dead." Genevieve said. Pope went silent. "You played the dead mom card. Wow." He said. Genevieve chuckled lightly. "Works every time. Where the fuck is everyone anyways?" Genevieve said, sitting up to look around.

"Come on Topper!" Sarah said, dragging him towards the shore. Topper groaned but followed her nonetheless. He spotted John B and JJ talking to each other. Any other Kook would have been angered by the sight of them, but seeing them gave Topper hope. If they were here, surely Genevieve would be too.

The kegger had suddenly gotten very busy, and Genevieve spotted numerous groups of Kooks beginning to gather. She sighed, refusing to let her thoughts be dominated by the blue-eyed boy who had left her without warning last summer. This night was beginning to bear an uncanny resemblance to the night that they first met. "God, how long were we arguing?" She said, shocked by how quickly the beach had filled up with people. "A long time, it seems," Pope said, standing up to try and see where the rest of their friends had gotten to.

"Sarah, can I interest you in a tasty Milwaukee beverage?" JJ asked, walking towards Sarah Cameron, the Kook princess, who was stood next to her boyfriend Topper. "No," Sarah said with a smile. JJ held the drink towards her nonetheless.

"I see John B and JJ down by the shore. I don't know who they're talking to though," Pope said, narrowing his eyes to try make out who they were. "It looks like a girl and a boy." There was a pause. "Holy shit."

Topper had had enough. He smacked the drink out of JJ's hand, causing it to spill all over him. JJ grabbed Topper by the collar and shoved him away as John B and Sarah stepped between them to break them apart before the bicker would develop into a fight.

"What? What is it Pope?" Genevieve said, standing up to see what he was looking at. "JJ starting a fight, what's new. But that's not what I was looking at. Is that Sarah Cameron?" He said. Genevieve sighed and narrowed her eyes to try see better. "Dude, I need glasses. Let's go find out."

"Dirty Pogues!" Topper spat, causing John B to whip around and push Topper away. Topper secretly was praying that Genevieve was nowhere near. He didn't really mean that. He was just frustrated and his emotions were beginning to go. "Babe, babe, babe, babe!" Sarah said, trying to stop Topper. But it was pointless. Topper punched John B in the face, knocking him to the ground. John B tackled Topper to the floor as they both began to wrestle in the water.

"Move!" Genevieve said as she and Pope tried to manoeuvre their way through the crowd that was gathering by the shore. Kie watched John B and Topper as they stood up and began to punch each other, her hands in her hair. The crowd began to chant 'Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!', egging on the two boys. John B threw the first punch. "That's my boy!" JJ said, watching the fight as were everybody on the beach by now. John B threw Topper to the floor.

Genevieve groaned as she tried to jump over the crowd to see who John B was fighting. "This way!" Pope yelled at her, grabbing her hand and leading her through the crowd so that they could get a better view.

Topper stood up and grabbed John B by the collar, holding his face under the water. Genevieve and Pope ran towards Kiara and JJ. "Topper!" Sarah yelled, causing Genevieve to stop dead in her tracks. "Dude! What's going on?" Pope yelled into JJ's ear. "John B and Topper!" JJ yelled back in response.

Genevieve stood there, rooted to the spot. The boy she loved was drowning her best friend. The boy she loved was drowning her best friend. She should be angry. She should be egging John B on to beat the shit out of Topper. He left without warning like Genevieve was nothing, just another girl he could use and throw away when he was done with her.

He had been her everything, and he left her like she was nothing. She felt big when she was around him. A world of possibilities opened up when she was with him. The sun shone a little brighter, she smiled a little wider, laughed a little more. Then he left, leaving her feel smaller than she had ever felt before. He left her and never looked back, breaking her in the process and scarring her, permanently. Yet, she felt nothing but numb. No anger, no pain, nothing.

John B gasped for breath as Topper held him under the water. This was enough to set JJ off. He ran back to his bag and grabbed the gun. "JJ!" Kiara yelled, but it was futile. JJ ran to Topper and held the barrel of the gun to his head. "Yeah, you know what that is," JJ said, a crazed smirk forming on his face. "JJ's got a gun!" Someone yelled as the crowd quickly dispersed.

As Topper was drowning John B, the ringing in Genevieve's ears was drowning out everything around her. She couldn't focus. The emotions that she had pushed to the back of her mind for the past year were coming back to bite her. Like a tsunami, her emotions were the wave that slowly retreated before rushing back all at once, destroying everything in their wake.

"We're good!" Topper said in a panic as he dropped John B, holding up his hands in surrender. "Ok now everybody listen up!" JJ yelled. "Get the hell off of our side of the island!" The warning shot JJ had fired into the sky brought Genevieve back to reality. And just as she stopped drowning in the ringing in her ears, she felt herself drowning in the bright blue eyes that were the source of all of her happiness, and all of her pain.

Topper felt Sarah wrap her arms around his waist, pulling him with her as she begged him to leave. Topper's body was moving, but his eyes stayed locked with Genevieve's; the hazel eyes that were his safe haven, that were his home. The eyes that once looked up at him with adoration, now looked up at him with nothing but pain. Genevieve looked broken and empty, as if all the warmth in her was taken away and replaced with cold numbness. Little did he know that that was exactly what had happened. And it was all his fault.

hi! i republished this a few times as there were some errors bugging me. hope you guys enjoy this story!

written in the stars - a topper thornton fanfic (outer banks)Where stories live. Discover now