s e v e n t e e n

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one year ago

"So, did you find out what had JJ so riled up last night?" Kiara asked.

Genevieve shook her head and looked out over the water. "No."

"Are you sure?" Kiara pressed on.

Genevieve looked at Kie. "Yes, I'm sure. Why?"

Kiara shrugged. "Because..."

"Because what?" Genevieve said.

Kiara sighed. "Because I heard what he said to you on the beach."

Genevieve's eyes widened and then she quickly looked away. "What do you mean you 'heard what he said to me on the beach'?"

"You know what I mean, Gen."

Genevieve bit the inside of her cheek. She wasn't worried about Kiara hearing what JJ had said to her, she was worried about Kie having seen her and Topper.

"What did you hear?"

"Um, I heard up until he stormed over to his dirtbike and took you home. Because I left after that in case you two saw me."

Genevieve sighed as she looked out over the ocean. "He didn't take me home. He left me here."

Kiara's jaw dropped. "What?"

Genevieve nodded, looking over at her. "He rode off on the dirtbike by himself. He left me on the beach."

"JJ left you on Figure Eight by yourself at night?" Kiara said, shocked. She couldn't believe this. She had had a hard time getting over the fact that JJ had spoken to Genevieve like he did, but to leave her alone in Figure Eight at night?

Everybody in the group knew that JJ had a soft spot for Genevieve. She was the Pogue he cared the most for. It made sense. They had grown up together and JJ practically lived in Genevieve's house these days. Kiara was astounded that he would be so rude to her, of all people.

Genevieve nodded.

"How did you get home?"

"I.... I walked," Genevieve bluffed.

"You should have come to mine, Genevieve!" Kiara exclaimed. "You walked through Figure Eight alone. At night!"

"It wasn't by choice!" Genevieve defended. "Besides, as far as I was concerned you were still at the chateau."

Kiara sighed. "I just can't believe that JJ would do that. To you of all people."

Genevieve nodded and looked out over the ocean. "Me neither."


Later that night, Genevieve and Topper were walking along the boneyard.

"So, how are you doing after last night?" Topper asked as he walked alongside Genevieve.

"I'm doing fine. Just a bit.... shocked, I suppose."

Topper nodded.

"Thank you, by the way," Genevieve said, looking up at Topper.

Topper looked at her. "Thank you for what?"

"For driving me home yesterday."

Topper felt himself blushing slightly as he stared into Genevieve's eyes. He was glad that it was dark out. "You don't have to thank me for that. It's just common decency."

Genevieve smiled softly. "Well, it meant a lot to me," she said as she glanced out over the ocean.

Topper bit his bottom lip and went to take Genevieve's hand. He hesitated.

Genevieve felt Topper's hand brush against hers. She smiled softly, and took his hand in hers.

Topper glanced down as he felt Genevieve's hand intertwine with his. He smiled, an inexplicable happiness filling him. Such a simple thing it was, hand-holding. But sometimes, it was the simplest of things that made the biggest impact.

It was how small her hand was compared to his, how her rings pressed gently against his knuckles.

It was how rough his skin felt against hers, how his thumb gently traced circles on her skin.

They walked the rest of the beach in silence. Not an awkward silence, not a somber silence, a silence that said more than any poem ever could.

He wanted to explore her soul until there was nothing left to explore, nothing left but the future that they had yet to fill with memories. Because when he thought about the future, it was her that came to mind.

written in the stars - a topper thornton fanfic (outer banks)Where stories live. Discover now