t w e n t y f o u r

137 3 0

song: 'style' by taylor swift

one year ago

Genevieve gazed out of the passenger side window of Topper's car as they drove around late one midsummer's night. The sky was speckled with stars, and the night air was cool.

Topper looked over at her as he drove down the empty roads. The sunroof was open, and the breeze made her long hair billow. The moonlight cast an ethereal glow across her features. She really was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

'Let's go for a swim,' Genevieve said.

'Now?' Topper asked. It was almost 1 in the morning.

Genevieve nodded with a grin. 'Why not?'

Topper laughed and shook his head. 'You're crazy,' he said as he parked the car.

Genevieve glanced over at him with a smile. She stepped out, throwing the little white cardigan she had over her dress into the back seat. 'It'll be fun.'

Before Topper could say anything else, Genevieve was running down the beach towards the ocean. He watched, in awe, as she took off her dress and dived into the waves. He locked the car and ran after her.

'Sneaking around's not too bad if this is what comes from it,' Genevieve said with a smile once Topper had swam up to her.

'Sneaking around with you could never be bad,' he said with a smile, picking her up at the waist and pulling her towards him.

Genevieve smiled, cupping his head in her hands and pulling him in for a kiss. 'I never want this to end,' she whispered.

Topper looked into her eyes. 'Me neither, G'vieve. Me neither.'

Genevieve smiled and gazed up at the sky. She had always found starry skies beautiful, but now that they made her think of Topper, they were even more beautiful.

Eventually the water got too cold, so they sat on the beach for a while. Topper draped his shirt over Genevieve's shoulders as they sat under the moonlit sky. 'Do you believe in soulmates?'

Genevieve looked up at him. 'For a long time I didn't. But now, I think that I do.'

Topper grinned softly. 'I do. I like the idea that there's a person out there who is the perfect one for you. And, I mean, I've met her.'

Genevieve smiled, resting her head against his shoulder. 'I've met him too.'


As the car came to a stop at the top of Genevieve's road, she looked over at Topper. Taking off her necklace, she placed it in the palm of his hand. 'Something to remember me by when we aren't sneaking around together.'

Topper ran his thumb over the cool metal locket. 'Genevieve, not a moment will go by when I could ever forget you, you do know that?'

Genevieve smiled and nodded. 'I know, Top. I think of you wherever I go,' she said, leaning over to plant a kiss on his cheek. 'I should go. I love you.'

'I love you too, sweet girl,' Topper replied with a smile. He watched her as she ran down the road towards her house. She turned and waved, as she always did, before she turned the corner into her house. He sighed gently as he pulled away and began the drive home.

He glanced at the clock as he pulled into the driveway. 2:34am it read. 'We shouldn't have to do this at 2:30 in the morning. We should be able to see each other all of the time,' he muttered in annoyance under his breath.

He reached back into the back seat of the car and grabbed what he thought was his shirt, but what was actually Genevieve's cardigan. He smiled as he stared down at it, her familiar scent filling the air. He folded it up and put it in his glovebox.


JJ was tiptoeing into his house, having made his way back from the chateau, when he heard a car pull up. He turned around to see who it was, but he couldn't see the car. It was just as he was about to turn back and head inside that he heard the footsteps.

Genevieve stopped dead in her tracks when she saw JJ on the porch.

JJ stared at Genevieve in confusion. Putting his backpack down, he slowly walked towards her. He felt his heart sink to his stomach when he noticed that she was wearing somebody else's shirt. A man's shirt. 'Where were you?'

'I went for a swim,' Genevieve whispered. She hated keeping stuff from JJ, but if he ever found out about her and Topper...

'With who?'

'With nobody.'

'I heard a car pull up,' JJ said. He could tell she wasn't telling him the full truth.

'Oh yeah, I think that was just some guy doing a U-turn,' she said. She went to fidget with her necklace, only to remember that she had given it to Topper.

JJ's eyes fell to her bare neck as he took a step closer to her. 'Your necklace is gone.'

Genevieve nodded as she looked up at JJ, who towered over her. 'I lost it in the ocean. I couldn't see where it went; it was too dark.'

For as long as JJ had known Genevieve, she had worn that necklace. There was no way she would be this nonchalant if the necklace was genuinely lost.

'You know I hate it when you lie to me,' he whispered.

Genevieve sighed shakily. 'I know you do.'

JJ nodded, looking deep into her eyes. The eyes that he so often found himself lost in. The eyes that he turned to for answers. The eyes that couldn't lie. 'You should get inside. It's cold.'

Genevieve nodded. 'So should you.'

JJ shook his head. 'I'm going for a walk. I need to clear my head.'

Genevieve watched him walk down the road without so much as a glance back in her direction. She sighed, running her hands through her hair. She could already feel the guilt beginning to gnaw at her stomach.

written in the stars - a topper thornton fanfic (outer banks)Where stories live. Discover now