"Ross is that you?"

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"I know."

I looked up to see the group looking at me like if I said something bad. They don't know Morgs and I joke around like that all the time.

"What?" I asked cause they were still looking down at me.

"Nothing." John b said looking away from me. "I'll dive it's fine." He said getting into the dive gear.

"Ok let me do some calculations real quick." Pope got up and grab a piece of paper and started writing things down. I just sat in farther corner of the boat not getting in their way.

"That boats about 30 feet down. So it'll take 25 minutes at that depth. Which means you have to make your safety stop at about..." Pope was taking too long to figure out where to do the safety stop so I did the mental math for him.

"10 feet down for 2 minutes." I answered without looking up from my feet. I could feel them all staring at me, and if I'm being honest I was pretty quiet so I think they forgot about me.

Kie sent me a dirty look. I think it's cause I didn't agree to be the one to dive down, but I have my reasons. 1. I don't physically know how to dive and 2. I'm still getting over my fear of going under water.

Ever since mama drowned I've been scared to go under water. I mean it took me 2 years after her death to get into water that wasn't my shower.

"Are you sure we should be doing this with her around?" Kie asked. I just glared at her. I don't know why she has such a problem with me I don't even know her. I mean I've been nothing but nice.

John b looks at me and sends me a toothy grin and I return him with a smile. "Yea she won't rat us out right Maddie?"

"Nope. I don't even know what you guys are up to anyways." I shrugged my shoulders answering John b's question. I like him he seems like a nice guy.

"Whatever." Kie rolled her eyes. She took off her shirt and jumped into the water with it. I think she was marking the safety stop point.

"What was that all about?"

"I don't know, but I liked it. A lot."

I just awkwardly sat there watching the boys drool over Kie. I don't blame them. She is really pretty.

"When you're down there, you look for the cargo hold. You stick this thing inside and twist and pull, okay?" JJ instructs John b on what to do. I didn't notice before but around his neck he was wearing a necklace with a shark tooth on it. It looked really cool. I wonder if it was real?

"Stick in, twist, and pull." John b repeats JJ's instructions.


Kie appeared above the surface of the water. "Hey! I tied my T-shirt to the anchor about 10 feet down. It's where you need to do your safety stop." When she finished talking she swam to the ladder of the boat and climbed back on.

Pope went up to John b holding up the tanks pressure gauge and showed it to him. "Keep an eye on this. You need to make sure you have enough air to decompress."

"Okay how much do I need?" John b questioned

"Unclear. Breathe as little as possible."

I zoned out what Pope and JJ were saying as I watched Kie walk up to John b and kiss him on the cheek.

That must be why she doesn't like me. Maybe she's jealous or insecure about me being around or something. I don't know.

"Diver down?"

"Diver down."

Pope and JJ share a look. They must've been uncomfortable with Kie kissing John b or something.

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