"I can relate to that on a deep emotional level"

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We made it out through the window in time before the men got the door to the office open and now we're all huddled up in John b's chicken coop.

I chose the wrong day to wear a skirt. A white skirt to top it off.

We watched as the two men walked out with a bunch off crates full of papers and documents from where I can only assume are from the office.

The rooster started crowing really loud.

"Do something, Pope. Shut him up." JJ whisper yelled across to Pope. He was the closest to the rooster.

"What do you want me to do?!" Pope responded freaking out.

"Pet it, or talk to it. I don't know." Kie cried out.

The rooster started crowing louder then before. I looked out to see what was going on outside the coop when I saw one of the men looking in our direction.

My eyes went down wide when he saw me. At least I think he saw. He started walking closer to the chicken coop and I scooted as far away from his view as I could. Bumping into JJ's side in the process.

I was scared we were going to get caught.

To busy worrying I didn't even notice JJ move from my side.

I had my eyes closed when I heard someone struggling, a crack, and then silence.

I opened my eyes to see JJ had his hands wrapped around the roosters neck and breathing heavily. I could only assume the worst.

Holding back a sob, I leaned forward and grabbed the chicken from JJ's hands and pulled him back next to me. I was holding his hand to try and some what calm him down.

I heard Kie let out a quiet sob. I looked over and saw John b grab her hand.

"Ratter! What the hell are you doin'? Let's go."

With that the two men drove off.

The group and I waited a few minutes before getting out.

First was Pope, then John b and Kie. JJ still hadn't let go of my hand when he pulled me out after him.

The group just shared a few knowing looks leaving me out and I had a feeling they weren't going to tell me so I spoke up.

"Ok can one of you please explain to me what just happened?"

"Uhm- I think they were looking for my dads compass?" John b said almost as a question.

I nodded my head not knowing what what to say to that. "Yea, ok. I think I'm gonna go home now."

I slipped my hand out of JJ's and started walking back to my car.

"Wa-wait, Maddie."

I turn around to see JJ. "Yea?" "Uhm- John b said we were going somewhere and I was wondering if you wanted to come with?"

I smiled at him. And looked behind him to see his friends all staring at us. Without looking away from his friends I say. "If I say yes do you promise to explain it to me why everything that just happened, happened?"

"Yea. I just have to talk to the gang about it first." I simply nod my head and watch him walk back to his friends. I made my way back to my car to grab my phone.

I wanted to make sure I didn't go off with the group and end up with like seven missed calls from Peter cause I'm late to pick him up.

❤️ PETER P. 💙

What time do I have to pick you up at again?

6:00 p.m


I looked up from my phone when I heard some one call my name.

"Maddie, hurry up the bus is leaving."

I watched as the group piled in to an orange rundown Volkswagen. I quickly grabbed my car keys and ran to catch up.


Now sitting on the bench right behind John b, who is driving with Kie in the passenger seat and Pope and JJ in the back with me.

John b had explained to me how his dad went missing and that compass belonged to him. He also explained how he found it in another man's boat and went to talk to his wife with JJ this morning but she freaked out on them.

"I mean, it's obvious, right? A family heirloom. What better place to hide a message? He had to know it was gonna get back to me, right?"

Pope and JJ had annoyed and worried expressions on their faces.

Kie sighed from the front seat. "Yeah. It's possible."

"It could also be possible that you're concocting wild theories to help, you know, deal with your sad feels." Pope said from his seat in the back.

"Bro, you know how I process my feels. Dank nugs and the stickiest of ickies, that's how I do it."

I send him a confused glance. "So basically you smoke weed on weed?"

"Yup, basically." He answered. His toothy grin never leaving his face.

"I'm not concocting, okay?" John b finally spoke up. "My dad's trying to give me a message."

"If it helps you believe, John b."

"Look, I-I don't need a therapy session, okay?" He snapped. "I'm not trippin' out."

"It's ok to trip, bro, but-"

"Look, my- my dad is missing, okay? Missing. You don't know what it's like to have the person closest to you vanish and then have no idea what happened. Just wake up every morning wondering." His voice cracked while talking I could see he was on the verge of crying.

I placed my hand on his shoulder for comfort. He looked threw the mirror and sent me a thankful smile, which I returned.

"It's been almost a year." Kie stated.

"John b, I know you barely know me but I can relate to that on a deep emotional level." I could feel the other three in the van listening to me. "I lost some one really close to me and I didn't know what happened. I still don't know what happened to him to this day, cause no one ever told me."

"Thanks Maddie." I nodded and moved my hand from his shoulder with one last squeeze.

"Hey, he could've been kidnapped. That's definitely a possibility." JJ said trying to lighten up the mood a little.

"Yea, he could be in a Soviet sub getting interrogated by the KGB somewhere." Pope added on.

"Absolutely. Uh... or Atlantis."

I leaned towards JJ and whispered "Atlantis isn't real."

He whispered back "how do you know that?" He asked in what sounded like genuine curiosity.

"JJ." Kie said in a warning tone. "Look, what do you think the message is?" She asked looking back at John b.

"Redfield. Redfield lighthouse. That's my dad's favorite place." He answered as we passed the 'Redfield lighthouse' sign.

Posted at 7:25 p.m


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