"We can use your boobs to our advantage"

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I was going to give Peter another gift suggestion but I was interrupted by someone clearing their throat.

I turned around to see none other then the group I was with less then 24 hours ago.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked looking at each of them with confusion. Peter was stood next to me probably even more confused then I was because I have yet to really tell him about the pogues.

"We came here... uh looking for you actually." Pope was the first to speak. I sent him a look and he smiled awkwardly. "Right guys?"


"Yup. Totally."

"We stopped by your house but you weren't there and... Pepper? Said you were most likely here picking up your brother."

Why were they looking for me? Wait what if they found something out about the map?

"Oh. Well why did you guys need me?"

They looked at each other wordlessly communicating. "We just thought you'd wanna help us with the map." John b spoke with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Ok yea. Sure I'll help." It went quiet and all eyes shifted to Peter who looked very confused. "What? Why are you all looking at me?"

"We kinda need Maddie right now." JJ answered. Peter looked at me and I just nodded and shrugged. I mean I don't think they really need me, but I'll go with them to keep myself busy.

"Ok." Peter turned to me and out his hand out. "If you're leaving then I'm gonna need your car to get home- I mean I could walk but you know Pepper sent you to pick me up so."

Oh he's smart. I don't let other people drive my car, but I can't make him walk home. If I do then I'll get one of Peppers infamous lectures.

I reluctantly hand over my keys with a sigh. "She better have a full tank of gas still."
Peter just nods as he takes the keys from my hand with a stupid grin across his face. He's so excited it's adorable.

"Alright. I have to get back to work before I get fired."

The pogues stand there in an awkward silence as we watch Peter walk out.

"Bye Pete." I call out with a wave as he closes the door.


After Peter went back to work the group caught me up with everything. We finished putting in the coordinates and found that the high side of the island.

JJ mentioned a drone that can drop down deeper then what was needed and it has a 360 camera.

After he brought that up the boys came up with an idiotic idea... which brought us into the Twinkie.

"Pope, we're not stealing the drone. We're... borrowing it." John b reassured the worried darker skinned boy in the back.

"Humans are they only animal that can't tell fantasy from reality." Pope stated. Not paying any mind to what John b said.

"Did you come up with that?" John b asked sounding impressed with what Popes brain came up with. "Albert Bernstein came up with it, but it applies to the whole treasure-hunting thing."

"Oh." Pope turned in his seat to get a better look at John "So, which is it? Fantasy or reality?"

"Why are you so weird, Pope?" JJ interrupted from his spot on Van floor, not looking up from the joint in his hand.

"It's fantasy, but possibly reality." Kie answered Pope first.

John B answered reality with a certainty in his voice that makes him seem sure we'll find The Royal Merchant gold.

"Virtual Reality." JJ muttered, going to light his joint, before Pope pulled it from in between his lips, flicking it across the van- where it landed next to my foot. "Keep the signal clear."


The guys' plan was for me and Kie to distract the man who worked at the junkyard- I was perfectly fine with the idea... until I learned the man is old enough to be my dad.

Kie got out the car, while I struggled to climb over JJ in the back. In the end he slid the door open for me while I reached one leg over his at a time. Unbeknownst to me that during my struggles to get out the van my ass was just inches away from JJs face.

He looked over at Pope and tried to get his attention to see what was happening, once he got his attention all Pope did was send him a scolding look.

"You know what your problem is?" I could hear from behind the van door as I slid it shut.

"You?" Pope answered sarcastically.

Kie and I made our way to John bs window. "Hey, don't worry. You got this." He said looking at Kie then glancing over to me. Kie shook her head and pointed to the back of the van where Pope and JJ could be heard arguing. "It's not us that I'm worried about."

I followed as she led us to her dads car-hopping into the passenger seat. She pulled up to the gate and got out. I Follower her. Obviously.

Before we got to close to the gate she turned around and and looked at me.

I looked back at her with my eyebrows raised in question "what?"

She sighed "Just uh-" she cut herself off and reached forward and started tugging and adjusting my halter top. "What? What are you doing?" She moved her hands from my top and looked to see if it looks right then looked up at my face. "JJ isn't completely wrong when he calls you hot. We can use your boobs to our advantage." With that she turned and started her way towards the gate.

I looked down at my chest. I do have nice boobs. Whatever she did to my top made my boobs look sizes bigger. I'm not complaining though.

I caught up to Kie as she called out to the man sitting in a booth. "Hello?" Sh waved her hand to get the man's attention "excuse me?"

"Can I help you?" The man asked as he made his way closer to the gate. He stared Kie down, then glanced over at me. And then down to my chest... gross.

"Hi um, actually my friend and I have a flat tire." She looked at me and I nodded my head with a small 'yea'.

"We were wondering if you could help us out?" I spoke with a smile on my face. The man looked hesitant but then Kie through in a 'please'.

The man looked us both up and down and agreed to help us. When he left to get his tools Kie turned to me with a grin on her face. "It's too easy."

"It really is." I agreed.


Well lookie what we've got hereeeee
i know it's been like... forever, but I promise I'll try to update more frequently then I was before. And now especially because my dance season is almost over and I have about a month and a half almost 2 months left of school then I'll have all the free time in the world.


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